Soros & Rockefellers Fund Pro-Hamas Protests on Campuses…

Billionaire globalist George Soros and the Rockefeller dynasty are funding pro-Hamas riots on college campuses for the same reason the Soviets sent thousands of…

Global Digital Gulag Imminent, Brought to You by…

The United Nations and Bill Gates are conscripting governments around the world into the 50-in-5 agenda to impose a global digital gulag on humanity…

Gen. Mike Flynn Details How the Deep State…

At the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association’s conference in Las Vegas, Nevada, Alex Newman, a senior editor at The New American, caught up…

Deep State Ready to Throw Biden Overboard? Maybe…

With a populist revolt growing across the West and Donald Trump getting stronger by the minute, is the Deep State getting ready to wheel…

Deep State Controlled Demolition of America – Alex…

Greg HunterDec 4, 2023

Award-winning journalist Alex Newman, author of the popular book “Deep State,” says there is a not-so-secret plan to destroy everything in America and everything…

The Deep State & the Kennedy Assassination

Andrew MullerNov 22, 2023

Remembering President John F. Kennedy: May 29, 1917 – November 22, 1963. “From Dallas, Texas,” a solemn Walter Cronkite announced on CBS News, “the…

The Future of Money In A Digital World:…

Central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) are coming at us like a freight train. The movement to kill cash, digitize all transactions, and harness them…

The Names Behind the “Deep State”

Perhaps you have heard of the “Deep State,” a term that has become a popular phrase in the U.S. context to describe the shadowy…

Globalists & Communist-Jihadist Axis Seek to Destroy Civilization…

Globalists in the West and evildoers worldwide are building up the Communist-Jihadist axis in an effort to destroy Christendom and Western civilization, explains journalist…

Deep State Behind the UniParty in DC –…

The uniparty in Washington, D.C., is just the visible manifestation of the Deep State that is working to undermine our faith, family and freedom,…

The Deep State Behind the Deep State

Alex NewmanSep 26, 2023

There is a powerful constellation of shadowy and even secret organizations working to overthrow liberty and sovereignty worldwide, but they and their agenda are…

Who is Behind the Deep State? Alex Newman…

Jan Markell of Olive Tree Ministries spends the hour with Alex Newman, an award-winning international journalist, to discuss the monstrous bureaucracy pegged as “the deep…

BRICS & The New World Order: Alex Newman…

The BRICS alliance is not a counterweight to the Western bloc but rather a grouping working to build the New World Order envisioned by…

Hungary Will Resist Globalist Assault on Nation &…

Hungary is determined to resist the globalist assault on the nation-state and the Hungarian people’s Christian heritage, Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and…

BlackRock Boss Larry Fink is a Deep State…

BlackRock boss Larry Fink is a leader in multiple key Deep State organizations including the Council on Foreign Relations, the World Economic Forum, and…

Deep State Power Grab | Tom Hughes &…

The deep state is real, and it is coming for you and your families. Christians in particular should fight the “Great Reset” from hell…

Destroy America for One World Government – Alex…

Greg HunterJul 12, 2023

Award-winning journalist Alex Newman, author of the popular book “Deep State,” contends everything you are seeing from open borders to pushing the transgender ideology…

“Aliens” & UFOs … or More Establishment Propaganda?…

The government and the establishment media are all pushing the “alien” and “UFO” narrative again, but journalist Alex Newman joins Alison Steinberg on OAN…

Biden Crimes Exposed: Are CCP Ties Evidence of…

New revelations and documents uncovered by the U.S. House of Representatives Oversight Committee show the Biden crime family was receiving millions of dollars, much…

INVASION! America at Risk as MILLIONS Flow to…

We CAN cripple the Deep state, but people must get involved, explained Phyllis Schlafly Eagles President Ed Martin on this episode of The Sentinel…

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