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- Nathan Descheemaeker
Who Will Represent the Liberty Of Our Posterity?
By Nathan Descheemaeker, 5/13/23 In response to the youths bringing climate change litigation in the case of Held v. The State of Montana, it…
General Welfare does not Trump Private Rights
“We see particularly displayed in all the subordinate distributions of power; where the constant aim is to divide and arrange the several offices in…
Central Planning and the Green Economy
By Nathan Descheemaeker, 11/1/22 Using the coercive powers of government to force whole of government, and whole of economy transitions towards net-zero emissions objectives…
UN Paris Deal is Nothing! New “Global Biodiversity…
196 governments are scheduled to meet in Kunming, China, in May of 2021 to adopt new “global biodiversity” targets. Freedom is at stake.
The Brink of the Void: Bonhoeffer, Tozer, and…
America and the West is being brought into the void, and only God can help us.
Choose Leaders Who Hate Covetousness
Only a return to virtue among the citizenry can rescue America, because in a self-governing system, wicked people will choose wicked leaders. Many prophets…
War on Property & Rights Will Bring Death…
Life, Liberty, and Property – Or Death, Restraint, and Impoverishment Environmental organizations in league with geo-political policy makers, after years of regulating industries and…