Are the Dominion Voting Systems Lawsuits “Against” Fox…

Thomas WigandMar 1, 2023

By Thomas Wigand, 2/28/23 This week the blue-pill media (a/k/a “mainstream media”) is all atwitter with a (partial) release of Rupert Murdoch’s deposition transcript…

Trump: We Know Him by His Enemies

Thomas WigandNov 11, 2022

By Thomas Wigand, 10/10/22 To a degree unique in American history, President Donald J. Trump has confronted – and been confronted by – an…

Archbishop Viganò – The Catholic Church’s Churchill vs…

Thomas WigandJan 12, 2022

God sends us the leaders we need, when we need them. But it is up to us to heed them.

Gen. Milley Spying for China: Coup and Treason?

Thomas WigandSep 14, 2021

With the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff being accused of spying on Trump for Communist China’s military, questions about treason and a…

Democrats Are Preparing the (Coup) Battlespace

Thomas WigandAug 4, 2020

Going back as far as Sun Tzu’s The Art of War – circa 500 B.C. – military and political strategists have recognized the value of intelligence…