Dr. Ricardo Duchesne joined LibertySentinel.org back in April of 2020 to warn Canadians and Americans about Marxism and using mass- migration as a tactic to get there. The term “Marxism” gets thrown around a lot in conservative media, but it is not ever defined. Dr. Duchesne, a former Marxist, explains exactly what the term means and why he has been fighting the push for immigration in academia before he was forced into retirement as a Canadian Professor.
In this episode, we discuss how the CCP has weaponized a public emergency to demolish liberty in the West. We also discuss how immigration alone is not “inherently” a strength for the west, but rather it is a devious plan being carried out by NGO’s, the UN, and Western governments to eliminate our freedoms.
Dr. Duchesne was a sociologist professor at the University of New Brunsiwck before Huffington Post called for his resignation based on…. racism. Dr. Duchesne is Puerto Rican, not European white. His main argument is that “freedom of the individual” is inherently unique to Western Europeans and that this new push for “multiculturalism” in Canada and America is a ploy to transform it into a Marxist, socialist society.
Instead of attacking his argument, he was forced into retirement, banned from social media, and had his payment methods shut down long before CANCEL CULTURE was even a term. He is now an author and founder of The Counsel of European Canadians. He is the author of “Canada in Decay” and “Faustian Man in a Multicultural Society”.
You can buy those books here, https://www.eurocanadian.ca/, even if they are banned on Amazon and reviews have been deleted.
Join Live on Liberty and Unraveling the Narrative:
www.dlive.tv/LibertyPush at 10 EST Mon-Wed
www.libertysentinel.org Daily
www.americanmediaperiscope.net/UTN EVERY Wednesday at 6pm EST
Itunes- https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/utn-the-globalist-report/id1529124751

-Dr. Ricardo Duchesne Fired– https://www.huffingtonpost.ca/entry/ricardo-duchesne-unb-faculty-condemn_ca_5ceda269e4b0793c2346ca52
-CCP Uses Coronavirus to Gain Advantage– https://news.yahoo.com/don-t-let-chinese-communist-103020086.html
Joe Biden Ups Immigration– https://www.reuters.com/world/us/biden-heeds-complaints-lifts-refugee-cap-62500-2021-05-03
Fauci’s Gain of Function– https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/fauci-reportedly-relaunched-nih-gain-of-function-research-without-consulting-white-house/
Canada Becomes a Police State- https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/victoria-taft/2021/04/07/police-state-cops-swarm-another-canadian-church-for-covid-defiance-and-the-woke-crowd-cheers-n1438278
China Rehearsing for When it OVERTAKES America- https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/26/economy/china-xi-economy-intl-hnk/index.html
Marxism and Migration- https://medium.com/@joshuasschoolstuff/marxism-and-migration-364015d9ef53