BRICS & Regional Regimes: Deep State New World Order Emerges

The Deep State’s vision for a New World Order is rapidly advancing through the new mechanism known as BRICS, with each of those BRICS governments and regimes serving as an anchor in a broader regional government, explains The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. This regionalism is just an interim step on the way to globalism in a strategy outlined by people like Henry Kissinger and Klaus Schwab. Late last month, governments of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa met in Johannesburg for the BRICS summit. They are working quickly to increase trade in the own currencies and roll out central bank digital currencies on the road to potentially setting up a BRICS currency. These are major developments on the road toward the New World Order, Alex warns.

2 thoughts on “BRICS & Regional Regimes: Deep State New World Order Emerges”

  1. Thanks, Alex, for exposing the truth. I’m from Brazil, and let me tell you this: Lula’s “career” began at Johns Hopkins University (! — we know from Sutton a bit about what type of people frequented it, right?!), in the 1970s, as Mario Garnero (when a quarrel between the two occurred) exposed it in his book called “Jogo Duro: O Caso Brasilinvest e Outras Histórias de Velhas e Novas Repúblicas”, published in 1988.

    Some say Mario Garnero was a figurehead of the Rothschilds in Brazil. Honestly I don’t have the right skills to make that type of analysis, but I do know he made business with a lot of important people. Once he even met a Pope. Anyway, in this book Mario Garnero tells us that Lula, with his activities as a strike leader (Lula went to J.H.U. to be a union leader, a very curious fact), was helping not the Brazilian workers, but a number of foreign corporations… What is very strange about Lula is that he was basically the creation (politically speaking) of the enigmatical General Golbery do Couto e Silva, an eminent Freemason who opened the space to a “manageable” left, as his “pressure cooker” (“panela de pressão”) doctrine required it.

    Despite its mess, I believe that this thesis — in a general way — is right, especially when one knows Lula is/was involved with the Interamerican Dialogue (as also is his “opponent”, F.H.C., connected, on the other hand, with the Club of Rome), etc.

    Thanks again, Alex. God bless you.

  2. I always like to remember these Sutton’s words, from 1976 (!):

    1) « . . . given the state of our knowledge today, I think we can say the following: the constitutional independence of the United States has been abandoned; further, there has been a knowledgeable and deliberate effort to build the Soviet Union into a formidable enemy, in spite of the fact of two wars in which one hundred thousand of Americans and countless allies had been killed. I suggest that there is a knowledgeable and deliberate effort to submerge U.S. independence into a web of economic and financial relationships with a totalitarian dictatorship.

    « . . . the emphasis is going to be on regional planning, regional management; the vehicles will be such things as world environment, commodities, food supply, population . . . »


    If we had another Sutton in a “Hoover Institution” at a hypothetical future, we probably would know with absolute certainty that these elites are really working together. By the way, that present war remembers me a lot of what G. Orwell speaks in his 1984 about how war were used to artificially create shortages of whatever resources…

    Done. As always, sorry my English, Alex, and my many words.

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