Elites and their Corporations are Colonizing the World

Colonialization is often thought of as the attempt of a nation to expand its influence by creating settlements, exploiting native people, and inflicting cultural change. Periods of colonial activity coincide with drastic changes in the world structure, both geographically and culturally. Although an allusion of the status quo persists, there are many parallels between the colonization of the past and the current global transformation. Large corporations, controlled by elites, have a symbiotic relationship with governments, deepening their influence not just in the United States but across the world. Corporate interests and elite ideology intertwine. In David Korten’s book, When Corporations Rule the World, he states:

“WWII did not end the global domination of the weak states by the strong states. It simply cloaked colonialism in a less obvious, more beguiling form. The new corporate colonialism is no more a consequence of immutable historical forces than was the old state colonialism. It is a consequence of conscious choices based on the pursuit of an elite interest. This elite interest has been closely aligned with corporate interest advancing deregulation and economic globalization…We have created a system that is beyond the control of those who created it and whom it richly rewards for serving its ends.”

(Korten, 1995, p. 181).

Elites and their corporations are colonizing the world by promoting immigration and foreign land purchases, through cultural destruction and transformation, and through “corporate cannibalism,” which transfers economic and political power from the local to the global (Korten, 1995, p. 207).

The EB-5 Investor Visa Program was created in 1990 as a method through which foreign investors can become lawful permanent residents by investing in a US business employing at least 10 Americans. Currently, the program requires either a $1,050,000 investment or an $800,000 high-unemployment area investment. Tom DeWeese’s article, Is the U.S. Being Colonized by Communist China?, expresses concern over how a majority of the visas in the EB-5 program are being issued to Chinese nationals who are partnering with U.S. corporations.

“[China is] buying American debt and wielding heavy influence on the American economy… [it] is fast becoming the largest land owner in America.” (DeWeese, 2014). Many of these projects receive government benefits and subsidies, so essentially, American taxpayers are funding their own colonization. “Like the invasion of the body snatchers, it appears the Chinese, aided by a compliant American government, have a well-devised strategic plan to literally colonize the once great United States of America—without ever firing a shot.”

(DeWeese, 2014).

As of June 2023, the Federation for Immigration Reform (FAIR) estimates that there are 16.8 million illegal immigrants in the U.S., with a sharp increase occurring since 2022.  In his article, Immigration Deception: Silent War on America’s Borders, Ludwig describes how an elite foreign foundation, Atlantic Philanthropies, spent $70 million to alter America’s immigration policies. Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), charitable organizations, and the UN have all contributed to immigration efforts.

Irresponsible immigration policies and lackadaisical enforcement exacerbate another issue. Just as the slave trade profited from colonization, an increase in immigration around the world has created a criminal enterprise and advanced a modern form of slavery—human smuggling and trafficking. According to the Global Estimates of Modern Slavery report, currently around 6.4% of the world’s population are subjected to forced work or forced marriage. The ICE website states, “human smuggling equals grave danger, big money…[and] the number of women, the number of women, children and family units seeking transport has increased dramatically in recent years.” Although a decline briefly occurred due to pandemic restrictions, the number of worldwide trafficking victims more than quadrupled from 2008 to 2019.

Not only are elites and their corporations using their wealth to promote immigration, but by challenging cultural norms, they are also using their wealth to induce cultural transformation. Similar to some colonizers, they draw distinctions based on racial, cultural, or religious lines. As with colonization activities, the young are often targeted. Many of the social-emotional learning (SEL) and critical theory programs in K–12 education are funded through corporate sponsors, elite-associated companies, or through elite-associated funds and foundations. For example, SEL data company Panorama has received funding from General Atlantic (Feeney), Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, Emerson Collective (Powell Jobs), Owl Ventures, and Tao Capital (Pritzker).  As Smith describes in his article, ESG Dystopia: Why Corporations Are Doubling Down On Woke Even As They Lose Billions, corporations are also using their influence to “socially engineer” and promote sexual ideology to kids, even when they experience billion-dollar losses, revealing their ideological rather than financial motives.

Elite foundations and philanthropies fund organizations that have little to no tolerance for opposing viewpoints, labeling those with differing opinions as “hate groups” or “extremists” even if the organization has not exhibited violent behavior. One such organization is the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which has used these labels for “Moms for Liberty” and the “Family Research Council.” SPLC has received funding from many elite funds and foundations. Promoting a homogenous society by forcing cultural change stifles curiosity and inhibits innovation. Who would want their children or grandchildren to grow up in a world where they are not allowed to ask questions or express their opinions freely? Stable, healthy, and prosperous societies encourage debate.

“With their dominance of the mass media and their growing penetration of the classroom, corporations increasingly control and shape our primary institutions of cultural reproduction… [in an effort] to align mainstream culture with the corporate interest…To reclaim our colonized political spaces, we must reclaim our colonized cultural spaces.”

(Korten, 1995, p. 311).

The global financial system has been colonized through the process of “corporate cannibalism,” where small companies are consolidated into giant corporations that have global rather than local interests (Korten, 1995, p. 207). This process shifts control from smaller, local businesses with “human interests” to larger global financiers far removed from the consequences of their decisions.  At its peak, the British Empire commanded around 24% of the world’s GDP.  In comparison, just two firms, BlackRock and Vanguard, have over $16 trillion in assets under their management. This ranks just below the US and China’s GDP, and above the GDP of every other country, representing approximately 16% of the world’s GDP.  Speaking of the relationship between large corporations and their smaller associated firms, Korten explains, “the power relationships between companies of the core and the periphery are remarkably similar to those that prevailed between core and peripheral countries in the days of the colonial empires.” Like “colonial states,” corporations “craft” “strategic alliances” to ward off “competition.” “The tyranny of state colonialism worked very well for a rather small percentage of the world’s population. It was disastrous for the rest. Modern corporate colonialism is a little different” (Korten, 1995, p. 218). Written in 1995, he goes on to explain the consequences of a global economy:

“Economic globalization has come at a heavy price. In the name of modernity, we are creating dysfunctional societies that are breeding pathological behavior—violence, extreme competitiveness, suicide, drug abuse, greed, and environmental degradation—at every hand…economic globalization is being advanced by conscious choices made by those who see the world through the lens of the corporate interest.”

(Korten, 1995, pp. 261-262).

The solution to combating colonization through immigration, cultural transformation, and globalization is to dismantle the complex network that supports it—to unshackle from the network and associated organizations that hold us captive. Instead of dismantling the global corporate governance structure, the structure is being utilized in conjunction with elite foundations to implement the UN Sustainable Development Agenda, which reinforces global institutions and further concentrates power into the hands of a few. It is an answer that amplifies the issue. 

1 thought on “Elites and their Corporations are Colonizing the World”

  1. What the writer(s) call ‘colonialism’, I call the new global socialism/communism strain ver2.0. Every working model, other than China’s dictatorial, totalitarian version of socialism turned communism has failed without corporations. You can’t put absolute power in the same sentence today without massive corporate earnings.

    This governing principle seems to be lost on Korten in 1995. “…we are creating dysfunctional societies that are breeding pathological behavior—violence, extreme competitiveness, suicide, drug abuse, greed, and environmental degradation…”. These behaviors aren’t unexpected and, in point of fact, are a requirement for their new order; tearing down the old and replacing it with new & improved definitions of the proletariat and the bourgeoisie.

    The power of the new order cannot be underestimated. COVID lockdowns and MSM fear-farming come to mind. Ask RFKjr the power that Big Pharma wields. Ask Tucker Carlson.

    I guess my point here is…I would change your headline by two words: have colonized

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