Alex Newman, the author of the new book Indoctrinating Our Children to Death, joined OAN’s In-Focus to break down why three white teachers were canned in New York City to be replaced by less qualified teachers who had darker skin to meet diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) quotas. Additionally, Newman breaks down the difference between equity and equality and offers a reflection on Donald J. Trump’s “guilty verdict,” calling it a “Deep State effort to destroy Donald Trump.”
Harvard Educated Teacher Replaced by Black Teacher Who Didn’t Graduate Highschool Thanks to DEI

Lawsuits are the only thing that will stop this blatant racism.
New York state mandates a master’s degree in your field of discipline to teach along with successful passage of the subject matter certification test and basic certification, so can some without a high school degree teach?
Now if the person had a GED and completed all of the above, then yes they can teach. However, it cannot be used for reverse discrimination.