US Foreign Policy Aids & Abets Persecution of…

The U.S. government’s out-of-control and totally unconstitutional foreign policy is fueling persecution of Christians around the world, explains Alex Newman in this episode of…

US Betrayed to Communist China: Ex-Asst. Defense Sec.…

The United States is under attack from within, with betrayal to the Chinese Communist Party in both the public and private sectors, warns Center…

Deep State Naked Running Through Streets on USA Watchdog

Journalist Alex Newman breaks down the latest news on the Deep State and the injection catastrophe unfolding before our eyes on Greg Hunter’s USA…

VIDEO: Food Crisis Looming, With Dr. Lee Merritt…

There is a catastrophic food shortage being engineered right now by global elites for the purpose of subjugating humanity, journalist Alex Newman tells Dr.…


Dr. Peter HammondApr 20, 2022

24 April marks the anniversary of the launch of the systematic extermination of the Christian Armenians by the Ottoman Turks. The Jihad began with…