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The Nature of the Deep State: A Spiritual…
Alex Newman, international award-winning journalist and libertysentinel.org CEO, joins Tanya Gaw, founder of Action4Canada, to discuss the origins of the conspiracy to destroy national…
How to Raise Strong Children in Weak Times:…
Attention parents! What can you do to protect your children in an age of weak discipline and “therapeutic sentimentalism”? Pastor Doug Wilson of Christ…
Hijacking Christmas & the Church for ‘Climate’
Deep State forces and their useful idiots are working to hijack and weaponize Christmas, Christianity and even religion more broadly to promote a global…
Massachusetts Shows Nation Alternative to Failing Government Education
In this episode of Alex Newman’s The Sentinel Report, Newman covers the most pressing news, including President Trump’s historic Madison Square Garden rally in…
How to Defeat the World Health Organization and…
In this episode of Alex Newman’s The Sentinel Report, Newman covers the most pressing news, including Congress’ new statue of Billy Graham being unveiled,…
Double Whammy Against the Trans Agenda
The transgender movement received an unexpected setback from two very different authorities on Monday. Pope Francis, who has been applauded by liberals in many other contexts,…
Jack Hibbs Congressional Prayer Triggers Leftist Democrat Meltdown
Leftist tantrums at every turn are now thoroughly predictable, and becoming more than a bit tedious to Americans with any modicum of common sense.…
What Happens When the Church Retreats from the…
As we approach the critical elections of 2024, it is vital that Christians carefully consider the role of the Church in politics. Does the…
Pope Francis’ Folly & Republicans Fail With Border…
Pope Francis has continued to throw doctrine and reason out the window in pursuit of progressive and socialist ideology, explained William F. Japser, a…
Message to the Church in America: Silence is…
As America kills more babies through abortion, mutilates youth in the name of “gender affirming care,” racks up trillions of dollars in debt, and…
Why America Must Understand Bible Prophecy: Pastor Tom…
America has never faced a more tumultuous time as we face pandemics, rapid digitalization, globalism, surveillance, and sexual perversion. Now more than ever, argues…
What Is Liberty? Alex Newman On America’s Black…
America’s foundations are built on the Christian principles of liberty, as spelled out in 2 Corinthians 3:17, argues Liberty Sentinel Media CEO Alex Newman…
Parallels Between Soviet Tyranny & US Government’s Behavior:…
There are eerie parallels between the behavior of the U.S. government today and the tactics used by the mass-murdering Soviet regime to keep its…
Stories That Inspire: Nicolae Moldoveanu – Musician and…
Nicolae Moldoveanu – Composing Hymns in PrisonDuring one of our missions to Eastern Europe, Rev. Bill Bathman introduced me to an extraordinary Christian Hymn…
America’s Future Can Burn Bright: Will You Fan…
“‘The youth of a nation,’ said [former U.K. Prime Minister Benjamin] Disraeli, ‘are the trustees of posterity.’ The future promise of any nation can…
Saving US by Restoring Biblical Worldview: Dan Smithwick…
The worldview of Americans has rapidly been transformed away from a biblical lens toward a secular-humanist or even socialist worldview and this is true…
Martyrs Gave Their LIVES So YOU Could Read…
Bishop Stephen Bradley observed: “We are in danger of forgetting truths for which previous generations gave their lives.” That our churches are in danger of…
Self-Defense in the Face of Terror: Charl van…
Christians have a biblical duty to defend the innocent in the face of evil, including responding with force to violent attacks on women and…
How The Reformation Changed The Church
Originally published at www.reformationsa.org. In the book of Judges we read about another generation, which arose, which knew neither the Lord nor what He…
A Nation Without a Conscience: America, Awaken Your…
We are now engaged in two wars, supplying massive military equipment, intelligence and support. Thousands upon thousands of people have been killed, with millions…