UN ‘Youth’ Leader Promotes 2030 Agenda, Sustainable Development…

Andrew MullerDec 19, 2023

After holding concerts around the world powered by batteries, musician AY Young,  got a call from socialist United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres asked…

COP28 ‘Climate’ Summit Review: End Energy (in US),…

The United Nations’ 28th annual Conference of the Parties (COP28) in Dubai has come to a close, and the verdict is in: no fossil…

There is No “Climate Crisis” | Alex Newman

There is no “climate crisis,” and the Catholic Church must stop pretending that there is, explained Nobel Laureate in Physics Dr. John Clauser, Climate…

Top Astrophysicist Explains New Studies Debunking Climate Hysteria

The observed warming attributed by the United Nations and climate establishment to human emissions of CO2 is better explained by the urban heat-island effect…

Era of ‘Unquestioned and Unchallenged’ Climate Change Claims…

Alex NewmanOct 11, 2023

New studies undercut the ‘scientifically empty’ warming narrative, says astrophysicist and aerospace engineer. Leading voices in the climate community are in an uproar as…