Hand Counting Paper Ballots: A Remedy to Fraud

Andrew MullerJul 16, 2024

In this episode of Alex Newman’s The Sentinel Report, Newman covers the most pressing news items and interviews Missouri election integrity expert Linda Rantz,…

EU Election Shows Masses Tired of Globalism |…

The European elections, though not a “far-right” landslide as the media claims, illustrate that the anti-globalist movement is growing and growing tired of mass…

Could Biden Use Executive Order to Let Illegals…

The Joe Biden administration may be plotting to allow illegal immigrants to vote using executive orders and decrees, warned True The Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht in…

Landslide in Ohio Shows GOP Path to Victory

The stunning landslide by underdog U.S. Senate candidate Bernie Moreno in the Ohio GOP primary shows the way for Republican victory throughout the all-important Rust Belt…

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