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Thomas Hampson: Act Now to Rescue Kids from…

In light of the blockbuster film The Sound of Freedom, many Americans are increasingly concerned about our southern border and the child sex trafficking…

Sound of Freedom Resonates In Small Town America

Christopher AdamoJul 31, 2023

Real America has been effusive in its support of singer Jason Aldean, ever since he became the latest target of the ugly leftist woke…

Biden Admin COMPLICIT in Child Trafficking, Says Federal…

The Biden administration is knowingly releasing unaccompanied children coming to the U.S. border to human and sex traffickers, explained Department of Health and Human…

Dr. Duke Pesta: Don’t Call Gender Ideologues Groomers;…

The radical progressive left does not want to acknowledge the epidemic of sex trafficking and pedophilia. Instead of pushing back against the harmful LGBTQIA+…