The Biden Admin is Investing Millions to Fight Cancer with mRNA Tech

The Biden Administration is spending $24 million for research using mRNA platform to engineer the immune system to fight cancer.

In this episode of The Sentinel Report on Lindell TV, Alex Newman, CEO of Liberty Sentinel Media, interviews the president of the Citizens’ Council for Health Freedom, Twila Brase, to break down what this means, why mRNA technology is a risk, and much more!

Do not miss it!

2 thoughts on “The Biden Admin is Investing Millions to Fight Cancer with mRNA Tech”

  1. Over what 110 years of the American Cancer society donations and NO cure.
    Now an RNA vax to fight cancer? No one believes that.
    If you cant [or wont] cure them then kill them!

    1. That’s EXACTLY right. Our government is so inept it may not even see the joke here. But using “mRNA tech” to fight cancer would succeed, obviously, since the cancer patients would die from the mRNA crap. Problem solved – cancer’s gone! See how that works?

      It’s pathetic, is what it is, but that’s what we expect from our faux-pseudo-holierthanthou “government”.

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