President Donald J. Trump has strongly denounced the stolen election. And he vowed to keep fighting.
There is no question that the 2020 election was stolen by a coup involving China, Russia, Iran, and Venezuela with many domestic traitors and those involved engaged in high treason. President Donald J. Trump on December 22, 2020 denounced the stolen election and explained his fight against massive voter fraud in a video statement from the White House.
The President said, “The truth is we won the election by a landslide. We won big. By midnight on Election Day, we had a commanding lead in the swing states…These numbers were impossible for Joe Biden to overcome and the Democrats knew it”. President Trump explained the Democratic Party voter fraud in all key battleground states including Georgia, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Arizona.
Watch the full speech here:
Trump said the Democrat operatives involved in the coup did the following to steal the 2020 election including:
- Ballot stuffing
- Dominion machines switching votes from Trump to Biden
- No signature verification on absentee ballots
- Kicking out GOP poll observers
- Counterfeit ballots with machine stamped bubbles for Joe Biden
- Putting Trump ballots in Biden trays
- Transporting hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots across state lines
- Dead people and illegal aliens voting
- Unexplained ballot dumps and massive spikes for Joe Biden in the dead of the night.
President Trump stated that “We cannot allow a completely fraudulent election to stand.” The President said he is determined to pursue all legal and constitutional avenues to “stop the theft of the presidential election.” “Americans must be able to have complete faith in the confidence of their elections,” he added.
“The fate of our democracy depends upon it,” the President said in the video statement. “Now is the time for the American people to raise their voices and demand that this injustice be immediately corrected. Our elections must be fair, they must be honest, they must be transparent, and they must be 100 percent free of fraud.”

“We won this election by a magnificent landslide, and the people of the United States know it,” he continued. “All over, they’re demonstrating, they’re angry, they’re fearful. We cannot allow a completely fraudulent election to stand.” President Trump said that one of his most solemn duties as president is to protect the integrity of Americans’ “sacred right to vote.”
The President accused Democratic Party officials in key swing states of having used the Wuhan pandemic as an excuse to illegally violate state laws to “to enable, encourage, and facilitate fraud” on an unprecedented scale in the country. And he is correct!
President Trump called for his supporters to join a planned protest in Washington, D.C., on January 6, 2021. “Be there, will be wild!” the president wrote. January 6, 2020 is when members of Congress meet in a joint session to count electoral votes.
Several House of Representatives members have stated that they will challenge the election fraud in the swing states including Matt Gaetz (R-Fla), Mo Brooks(R-Ala), Jim Jordan, (R-Ohio), Jody Hice, (R-Ga), Brian Babin (R-Texas), Lance Gooden (R-Texas), Ted Budd (R-N.C.), and Andy Biggs, (R-Ariz). Newly elected Republican representatives Marjory Taylor Green of Georgia and Madison Cawthorn of North Carolina are also on board.
Representative Cawthorn wrote, “But no one should go to Washington as a career. Go there to serve the people. And on behalf of the people, I am contesting this election based on constitutional violations by key states.” Newly elected Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala) said he will contest the election results. Perhaps other Republican senators will also challenge the stolen election.
There have been many Pro-President Trump protesters rallied across the nation against the results of the presidential election. President Trump and other Republicans are contesting election results in courts in key states. One newspaper, The Epoch Times, is not calling the race currently.
President Trump pointed out that on the night of November 3, in the swing states including Michigan, Arizona, Wisconsin, Georgia, and Pennsylvania he was leading by thousands of votes. However, vote counting stopped abruptly in the early hours of the next day and a series of “massive and statistically inconceivable vote dumps” in the middle of the night overturned the results. President Trump shared that “These gigantically ridiculous one-sided spikes were miraculously just enough to push Joe Biden into the lead in all of the key swing states. These glaring anomalies are just the tip of the iceberg.”
The President said he had won Ohio, Florida, and Iowa “by historic margins,” and won 18 of 19 “bellwether counties” that have for the past 40 years correctly predicted the winner of the presidential election. “This means Biden would be the first candidate since 1960 and only the second candidate in American history to win the White House while losing all three of those major states, and it wasn’t even close,” President Trump pointed out. He stated that Democrats had lost 25 out of 46 toss-up House seats and noted that Democrats ended up having a net loss of 14 seats even though they were projected to gain 15 seats, which was, according to the President, due to his success and the down-ballot effect.
President Trump said that his presidential campaign earned about 75 million votes, which is about 12 million more votes compared to the 2016 election—the largest vote increase recorded for an incumbent president. Despite this, opponent Joe Biden “somehow received 11.7 million more votes than Barack Obama, and he beat Barack Obama all over the country,” Trump shared. “It is historically, mathematically, politically, and logically impossible. It did not happen. He did not win. We won by a landslide,” he explained.
The Trump campaign and his lawyers have over the past seven weeks provided evidence voting irregularities and fraud and collecting about 1,000 affidavits of witnesses of the massive fraud. The President told Americans that that Democrats violated their own state laws by changing procedures ahead of the election without having gone through the state legislatures. This is a violation of the Constitution that states the state legislatures are the ones that make the elections laws. Such changes included suspending all signature verification requirements, flooding a given state with absentee ballot applications, and deploying hundreds of unmanned ballot drop boxes. These changes were done to “illegally benefit” Joe Biden, President Trump said.
The President stated that the incredibly low absentee ballot rejection rates “prove that hundreds of thousands of illegitimate ballots were counted in the key states,” and that there were no “meaningful attempt to verify citizenship, residency, identity, or eligibility for mail-in ballots.” “The potential for illegal activity is unlimited and that’s what we just experienced,” he added.
Trump also pointed to witnesses who signed affidavits and have testified that they personally witnessed different instances of cheating and fraud. This included witnesses having seen poll workers backdating thousands of ballots and counting batches of the same ballots many times. Other witnesses said they saw thousands of pristine ballots that had no creases or folds and that were all for Biden.
Dominion Voting Systems
John Poulos is the Chief Executive Officer and co-founder of Dominion Voting Systems. He co-founded the company in 2003 in Toronto, Canada.
The President also questioned the involvement of Dominion Voting Systems (DVS) that were used in 28 or 30 states and Puerto Rico. However, the President did not explain that DVS electronic machines use the Venezuelan Smartmatic software and that Communist China purchased DVS for $400 million a month before the election. DVS machines have Chinese chips and modems, and a DVS server is in the Chinese city of Hunan. Andy Huang, a manager for Dominion, previously worked at China Telecom. China Telecom is wholly run by the Chinese regime and has been identified by the U.S. Department of Defense as having collaborated with the country’s military for over two decades. And China Telecom previously has been flagged by the U.S. State Department as “vulnerable to exploitation, influence, and control by the Chinese communist regime.
DVS also works with Barcelona SCYTL that counts American votes with its servers in Spain and Frankfurt, Germany. According to U.S. Air Force (Retired) Lt. General Thomas McInerney the server in Frankfurt was used by the CIA to inform Democratic Party operatives how many thousands of fraudulent ballots they needed to add in the swing states. McInerney further stated that President Trump sent special forces to capture this server and after fighting CIA operatives brought it back to the United States. Soldiers died in this fight between Special Forces and the CIA, according to McInerney. Only certain radio stations have covered these incredible events. Is the President waiting to share the CIA involvement in the stolen election?
Gateway Pundit recently reported the connections of China, Venezuela, George Soros, and the Clinton Foundation to DVS. The article reported several bombshells, they include:
- In an affidavit, a former high-ranking Venezuelan military officer states that the Smartmatic software was designed so that votes could be changed without being detected and was set up so that there would be no public evidence of tampering with votes.
- Dominion is also tied to the Clinton Foundation, as well as several state-run Venezuelan software and telecommunications companies, which had been involved with rigging elections for authoritarian leaders, like Hugo Chavez, and Nicolas Maduro.
- In 2014, Lord Malloch Brown, a globalist of the New World Order, became the chairman of the board of SGO Corporation Limited, a holding company based in London whose primary asset is Smartmatic electronic voting machine technology. Lord Malloch-Brown is a member of the British House of Lords, and a former vice-chairman of George Soros’ Investment Funds, former Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations, and former vice-president at the World Bank.
- Dominion voting machine components are made in China, subject to possible manipulation. Dominion’s instruction manual explains how votes can be wiped away in an instant, with the capability of “dragging and dropping” votes to a separate folder, then deleting that folder entirely.
The President did not discuss that a forensic audit of 22 DVS machines was done in Antrim County, Michigan by Allied Security Operations Group. The audit stated the following: “We conclude that DVS is intentionally and purposefully design with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results. The system intentionally generates an enormous high number of ballot errors…This leads to voter or election fraud.” However, the President said that Arizona state senators recently issued a subpoena for a forensic audit of the voting machines, and that other states using Dominion’s equipment and software should also carry out similar investigations.
The President did not speak about enemy nations being involved in the coup. He may be waiting for the Report by Director of Intelligence Jon Ratcliffe. He confirmed that there was foreign interference in the 2020 election, according to CBS correspondent Catherine Herridge. “Well, DNI Ratcliffe leads the 17 intelligence agencies and he has access to the most highly classified information that is held by the U.S. government. And he told CBS News that there was foreign interference by China, Iran, and Russia in November of this year and he is anticipating a public report on those findings in January,” Herridge said on December 3. 2020.
The CIA use of its supercomputer THE HAMMER and its application SCORECARD to steal votes from President Trump
The CIA supercomputer THE HAMMER and its application SCORECARD are used to alter election results abroad and in the United States.
President Trump did not discuss the CIA’s role in stealing the 2020 elections. However other patriots did. On November 4, 2020, U.S. Air Force (Retired) Lt. General Thomas McInerney, author Mary Fanning, and former White House National Security Council official in the Trump administration Rich Higgins were interviewed in the Brannon Howse radio program. Dennis Montgomery who invented THE HAMMER has also denounced its use in America to steal elections. They said that it would be a disaster for America if Joe Biden became President since he would be a national security threat due to being compromised by the Communist Chinese and government of Russia
U.S. Air Force (Retired) Lt. General Thomas McInerney was born on March 15, 1937.
McInerney, Fanning, Montgomery, and Higgins explained the following: “In February 2009, the Obama administration commandeered a powerful supercomputer system known as THE HAMMER. THE HAMMER includes an exploit application known as SCORECARD that is capable of hacking into elections and stealing the vote, according to CIA contractor-turned-whistleblower Dennis Montgomery, who designed and built THE HAMMER.
The whistleblower tapes, confidential audio recordings released by U.S. District Judge G. Murray Snow’s courtroom in November 2015, revealed that SCORECARD was deployed by the Obama team against Florida election computers to steal the 2012 presidential election on behalf of President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden. SCORECARD is now being activated to steal the vote on behalf of Joe Biden once again. Biden utilized THE HAMMER and SCORECARD while running for Vice President in 2012. Votes are again being stolen on Joe Biden’s behalf as he runs for President of the United States in 2020. This time, SCORECARD is stealing votes in Florida, Georgia, Texas, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Nevada, and Arizona, according to Montgomery.”
General McInerney, Fanning, and Higgins explained that SCORECARD steals elections by tampering with the computers at the transfer points of state election computer systems and outside third-party election data vaults as votes are being transferred. The Obama White House had an encrypted VPN to access THE HAMMER at will with his Deep State CIA officials. The three of them said that in August 2015, CIA contractor-turned-whistleblower Dennis L. Montgomery provided the FBI and the DOJ with evidence stored in 47 hard drives that implicates Robert Hunter Biden, son of former Vice President Joe Biden, in illegal activities, Montgomery states.
As revealed by the more than 40,000 emails, messages, and videos in the laptop of Hunter Biden, Montgomery found out that among the 600 million pages of documents stored on those 47 hard drives of electronic data that he turned over to the FBI were 10,000 pages of documents regarding Hunter Biden and Joe Biden. The 10,000 pages of documents regarding Hunter Biden and Joe Biden included videos and images.
The corrupt FBI officials have been covering up all the crimes of Joe Biden and his family. Montgomery said that in 2003 the U.S. government continuously targeted Joe Biden and Hunter Biden with electronic surveillance via THE HAMMER. On February 3, 2009, Brennan and Clapper moved THE HAMMER to Fort Washington, Maryland and began using the foreign surveillance system for domestic surveillance, targeting President Obama’s political enemies for “blackmail and leverage.”
Montgomery, as a CIA contractor, worked for John Brennan and James Clapper. As explained earlier, Dennis Montgomery became a whistleblower upon learning how the Obama administration had turned THE HAMMER against Americans. Montgomery received two limited immunity agreements from the DOJ and the FBI in exchange for evidence production and testimony. Montgomery originally designed and built THE HAMMER in 2003 as a foreign surveillance system to protect America after 9/11.
Admiral James A. “Ace” Lyons on his death bed told his longtime friend Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney that THE HAMMER is the key to the coup against President Trump. The CIA used a super-surveillance government tool for foreign surveillance and turned it against America. They are using it to steal the Presidential election of 2020.
General McInerney, Fanning, and Higgins stated the following:
* CIA contractor Dennis Montgomery built THE HAMMER in 2003 as a foreign surveillance tool to keep America safe from terrorists after 9/11 and to protect U.S. troops on the battlefield. Robert Mueller’s FBI provided the computers for THE HAMMER.
* THE HAMMER foreign surveillance system featured multiple echelons of safeguards and signoffs to prevent U.S. personnel, up to and including the President of the United States, from using the system for unlawful domestic surveillance.
* On February 3, 2009, two weeks after President Obama’s inauguration, Brennan and Clapper moved THE HAMMER to a secret CIA facility in Fort Washington, Maryland. After Dennis Montgomery saw Brennan and Clapper commandeer THE HAMMER foreign surveillance tool and transform it into a domestic surveillance system for blackmail and leverage, Montgomery became a whistleblower.
* In 2013, Dennis Montgomery alerted multiple officials in Washington D.C. that THE HAMMER was being used to conduct illegal domestic surveillance. Montgomery even sent faxes to President Obama and Vice President Biden to alert them about the ongoing illegal domestic surveillance.
* Brennan and Clapper used THE HAMMER to spy on Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, 156 Article III judges, FISA Court Presiding Judge Reggie Walton, Members of Congress, Wall Street executives, Rudy Giuliani, Lt. General Michael Flynn, Donald Trump, Trump Tower, multiple Trump businesses, and members of the Trump family. Brennan and Clapper spied on Donald Trump because the CIA feared Trump. Brennan and Clapper wiretapped Donald Trump “a zillion time.”
* The Obama Whitehouse could access THE HAMMER at will through an encrypted VPN.
* In August 2015, Dennis Montgomery, under a limited immunity agreement, provided FBI General Counsel James Baker and FBI Director James Comey with 47 computer hard drives of evidence proving that Brennan and Clapper had used THE HAMMER to conduct illegal domestic surveillance. Included on the 47 hard drives was 10,000 pages of documents regarding Hunter Biden.
* In December 2015, Dennis Montgomery, under a second limited immunity agreement, provided the FBI and the DOJ with sworn testimony about THE HAMMER and the contents of the 47 hard drives. THE HAMMER framework could throw multiple exploit applications. The Obama team used a HAMMER application called SCORECARD to steal the 2012 presidential election in Florida.
* The Biden campaign is using SCORECARD to steal the 2020 presidential election (they have NOT turned off THE HAMMER).
On November 7, 2020, Cliff Kincaid wrote an article titled “Lies. Fraud, and Computers Glitches” that was published in the America’s Survival website. Even though the fake media news reports, including Fox News, announced that Joe Biden is president elect, Biden has not yet been certified as president. It is non-stop propaganda that somehow does not get flagged by Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube. Twitter is again censoring the President and others. The official certification of results must take place in every state. Legislatures can reject the Biden “victory” based on fraud.
Kincaid explained that the fraud is evident to anyone following the election returns. He said that Catholic writer Vic Biorseth stated: “We saw Trump winning handily in all of the swing states, until he hit 95 % or so at about 1:00 pm, when, as if on a signal, every one of the swing states stopped counting for three hours with no explanation of why they stopped. Was that signal related to “glitches” in computer voting that gave thousands of Trump votes to Biden?”
Kincaid pointed out that constitutional attorney Sidney Powell explained on Lou Dobbs Fox News show on November 6, 2020, how special computer programs developed by U.S. intelligence agencies can be used to hack into voting machines and steal or alter votes.Powell, who is the attorney for General Michael T. Flynn, said, “They need to investigate the likelihood that 3% of the vote total was changed in the pre-election voting ballots that were collected digitally by using THE HAMMER program and the software program called SCORECARD. That would have amounted to a massive change in the vote that would have gone across the country and explains a lot of what we are seeing.”
Powell continued explaining that “In addition, they ran an algorithm to calculate votes that they might need to come up with Mr. Biden in specific areas. It happened in Michigan where the computer glitch resulted in a change in votes of about 5,500 in favor of President Trump just in one of 47 districts. All of those districts need to be checked for that same QUOTE software glitch END QUOTE that would change the vote for Michigan dramatically. The same thing is happening in other states. We’ve had hundreds of thousands of ballots mysteriously appear solely for Mr. Biden which is statistically impossible as a matter of mathematics. It can all be documented.”
Kincaid stated the following: “All of this helps us understand why more than 200 former military leaders put their names on an open letter to President Trump before the election, endorsing him and warning that the Democratic Party was becoming a home to socialists and Marxists and threatening our historic way of life. General McInerney was a signer. It appears that, in addition to using Big Tech to censor opposition to this emerging Marxist state, the intelligence agencies are using their own version of Big Tech to make sure Biden won.”
The President concluded his video statement from the White House by stating that “As I have just laid out, we have unveiled overwhelming evidence of election fraud. None of this should ever have been allowed in the United States of America. It is a travesty of democracy, it’s a shame upon our republic.” He also accused the Democrat Party, the media, and Big Tech giants of “openly colluding” to deceive the country. Prior to the election, media and Big Tech companies censored stories about how Biden’s family had “received millions of dollars from the Chinese Communist Party.”
“Our country no longer has a free press. It is a press of suppression. It is a press where the truth will never come out. It is the greatest and most shocking scandal involving a presidential candidate in modern history,” President Trump said, later adding, “The media and the Democrat Party lied to the American people to try to steal the election.” “If this egregious fraud is not fully investigated and addressed, the 2020 election will forever be regarded as illegitimate and the most corrupt election in the history of our country,” Trump said.
President Trump is concerned that his lawyers are running out of time with the several lawsuits to reach the Supreme Court and he is uncertain what Congress will do on January 6, 2021. However, it is especially important that the highest court in America invalidate the 2020 election due to massive fraud and enemy nations interference along with many traitors in the Communist Democratic Party, Big Tech, the media, Deep State operatives, woke Wall Street multinational corporations, and globalists of the New World Order. Otherwise, America may well become a communist nation dominated by China with the collaboration of the Marxist Democratic Party.
he left out the tens of thousands of under age illegal voters
Who’s suppressing MSM into distorting, hiding and cover up information away from the Americans? Do they support America and the Americans? If yes, in what way? I hear people asking those questions everyday?