Reclaiming Entertainment & Education For America

The progressive left has successfully seized education, journalism, and entertainment to propagandize youth and Americans at large to hate the principles and foundations of…

Border Chaos, Climate Cult, & Indoctrinating Our Children…

In this episode of David Fiorazo’s Worldview Matters, Alex and David discuss the original agenda of leftist educators, which Newman has extensively documented in…

How Actual Communists Used “Public Education” to Kill…

Communists and “robber baron” super capitalists teamed up to destroy free America using the government school system to turn young Americans against God, country,…

Rice University Unveils “Afrochemistry” to Study “Black-Life Matter”

Alex NewmanJan 17, 2024

Move over, Claudine Gay, as the next DEI comedy-tragedy is unfolding in Texas. As the competition for the most ludicrous classes and studies at…

Education “Transformation” Unveiled at UN ‘Climate’ Summit

Alex NewmanJan 12, 2024

DUBAI — Governments, tax-funded “non-governmental” organizations, and international outfits from around the world were in the United Arab Emirates last week showcasing countless new…

Unmasking Minnesota’s Teacher Certification Standards

In April of 2023, Minnesota’s Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board (PELSB) released its final version of “Standards for Effective Practice.” They are the…

Deprogram the Credentialed

Richard HawkinsJan 9, 2024

By Richard W Hawkins, Lt Col, USAF (ret) “Biblical methodology with Biblical content results in a Christian worldview and Dialectic methodology, even with Biblical…

The Hostile Takeover of Minnesota Education

Last fall, the Duluth News Tribune reported: Spring, 2022, the National Assessment of Educational Progress results released Monday, Oct. 24, show Minnesota eighth-graders’ math test scores…

UN Goal to Destroy West with CO2 &…

Award-winning journalist Alex Newman, author of the popular book Deep State: The Invisible Government Behind The Scenes, is back from the recent so-called COP28 conference in…

Adult Sex App in Public School Library Book…

Brenda LebsackDec 1, 2023

As an elementary school teacher who teaches physical education to children with disabilities in seven Orange County schools, I want to warn parents there…

Illinois High School Segregating Students by Skin Color

Alex NewmanNov 30, 2023

Under the guise of closing the “achievement gap” between students of European ancestry and those of African and Latino heritage, victims of a government…

Who Killed JFK and Uncovering The Global Totalitarian…

Education is one of the key issues in the hearts and minds of Americans heading into 2024. What should education be, and just as…

New Film “Art Club” Exposes Schools Luring Children…

Alex NewmanNov 21, 2023

FORT COLLINS, Colorado — Children across the country are being recruited into transgenderism and the “LGBT” movement by trained operatives in government schools at…

Her Daughter Was Harmed By Gender Ideologues, Now…

Gender ideology is running rampant in America, forcefully digging its roots into education. Unfortunately for innocent children, its breeding ground is in the public…

America’s Dystopian Future Begins Soon Unless You Get…

Prepare for an eye-opening conversation as Alex Newman, Liberty Sentinel CEO, and Abby Johnson, former Planned Parenthood director, engage in a compelling discussion. They…

Should California Schools Keep a Child’s Gender Identity…

Brenda LebsackNov 16, 2023

Reposted with permission from The EPOCH Times. As battles rage between local school districts in California and the state attorney general, Rob Bonta, regarding whether…

NJ About to End “Basic Skills” Requirement for…

Alex NewmanNov 15, 2023

If Democrat New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy gives his assent, government-school teachers in the state will soon no longer have to show they even…

The Purpose of Education – Alex Newman at…

What is the purpose of education? It depends on who or what your God is. In this talk at Turning Point USA’s Educators Summit,…

Education Crisis: Who Do the Children Belong to?

Lynne TaylorNov 9, 2023

Anti Fed Ed Warriors, if you know the header image, you’ll recognize it’s a depiction of the Old Testament account of King Solomon and…

Calif. Collecting BILLIONS of Data Points on Kids…

Alex NewmanNov 8, 2023

The state of California is making rapid progress on a new statewide database that has already integrated over a billion data points on children and expects…

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