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We Tried To Warn People For Years…It IS…
Sean JacksonAug 27, 2020
This was the first interview we did with Dr. E Michael Jones in 2019. It is the first time someone was willing to speak…
Chick-fil-A Busted Donating to Anti-Christian Hate Group SPLC
Liberty Sentinel StaffNov 27, 2019
After coming under fire for ending donations to well-known Christian charities in its effort to appease hateful mobs of homosexual and transgender activists, Chick-fil-A…
Deep State Smear Machine SPLC Imploding – Behind…
Liberty Sentinel StaffMay 6, 2019
In this episode of Behind The Deep State, host Alex Newman exposes the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). The anti-Christian hate group, which serves…