Thinking Like a Theologian: Christian Worldview Vs. the…

It is critical for Christians to have good theology in everything, but especially when it comes to education, explains journalist and educator Alex Newman…

A World in Turmoil:  The Big Picture –…

On October 7th, Hamas struck Israel with a deadly attack.  Earlier today, Israel’s defense minister told ground troops at the border that they are…

Evildoers Hijacking Religion to Push Globalism, ‘Climate’ Fanaticism

Deep State evildoers are working to hijack and unify the religions of the world to push climate hysteria, globalism, and a global economic, political,…

Globalist Elites Tightening Noose on Us in Every…

On this episode 467 of the A Minute to Midnite Show, Alex Newman joins Tony K to discuss how the economic screws are being…

Uprooting the Root of Bitterness: What God Demands

Dr. Peter HammondAug 23, 2023

“Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another,…

Romans 13 Does NOT Demand Unlimited Submission to…

Romans 13 does NOT call for Christians to offer unlimited submission to government, despite what is preached in many churches and taught in many…

What Are We Saved FOR? Can the Church…

Roger WheelockNov 20, 2021


God, Sovereignty, Eschatology & Resistance: Discerning The Times…

Bill MuehlenbergNov 18, 2021

Should Christians resist tyranny in this era? A theologian examines what the Bible says on this topic.

Praying for Justice Against God’s Enemies: The Power…

There is a time and a place for praying that God would rain down His justice on evildoers, as David shows us in the…

An Eschatology of Victory: The Gospel WILL be…

Marcus PittmanNov 3, 2021

The modern American church’s view on the future has led to the decimation of Christianity and Christian civilization, but the Bible has a message…

Is voting Democrat an Evil Act in God’s…

Mark ShepardOct 6, 2021

Is voting Democrat an evil act in God’s eyes?  That question rose from a recent Sunday-school lesson on 1 Kings 21, where King Ahab wanted Naboth’s vineyard, but Naboth would not sell.  Then without the king’s participation, Queen Jezebel arranged a…

Understanding Spirit Worship & Evangelizing Animists

Dr. Peter HammondSep 29, 2021

Christians should understand what the Bible says on these critical issues.

God as Father: Adoption into Abba’s Family Through…

Alex NewmanSep 25, 2021

When you understand that as a believer, God is your Heavenly Father, you get a small sense of His boundless and incredible love for…

Aren’t All Religions The Same?

Dr. Peter HammondSep 22, 2021

What is the difference between Christianity and all other religions?

Recognizing God’s Voice Through the Noise

God speaks to His people in many ways, primarily through His Word. It’s important not to miss it.

Foolish Questions & The Bible

We need to listen critically and evaluate questions wisely.

Ascension Day: Consider The Greatness of the Great…

Dr. Peter HammondMay 12, 2021

May 13 is Ascension Day! Consider the Word of the Lord: “All the ends of the world shall remember and turn to the Lord…

Should Christians Always Obey Government?

The Bible speaks clearly on this question from start to finish.

Evidence That Bible is Truly The Word of…

The evidence proves that the Bible is, in fact, the inspired and inerrant Word of God.

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