Taxpayers STILL Funding Pervert’s Sex Institute in Indiana,…

Alex NewmanAug 28, 2024

Despite a state law banning taxpayer funding for the scandal-plagued Kinsey Institute at Indiana University named after an infamous pervert, it appears that Hoosiers…

Academic Reveals How to Stop Anti-White Discrimination in…

Alex NewmanJul 24, 2024

Racists and DEI college bureaucrats, beware. An academic turned activist is showing conservatives how to successfully shut down anti-white discrimination schemes that have become…

Communist Cuba Sows Chaos on US Soil W/…

The communist regime enslaving Cuba, put in place by the globalist Deep State establishment, is actively fomenting chaos on American soil and around the…

Soros & Rockefellers Fund Pro-Hamas Protests on Campuses…

Billionaire globalist George Soros and the Rockefeller dynasty are funding pro-Hamas riots on college campuses for the same reason the Soviets sent thousands of…

Idaho Senator: “70% of Agricultural Workers Are Illegal”

In this episode of The Sentinel Report, Alex covers breaking news and interviews two wonderful guests: State Senator Tammy Nichols of Idaho to discuss…

How the Education System Is Indoctrinating Our Children…

We hear a lot about how the education system is deteriorating. However, the truth is that this broken system was actually by design. The…

The Hostile Takeover of Minnesota Education

Last fall, the Duluth News Tribune reported: Spring, 2022, the National Assessment of Educational Progress results released Monday, Oct. 24, show Minnesota eighth-graders’ math test scores…

J6 Prisoner Gives Update On Gov. Gulag Plus…

In this episode of The Sentinel Report, Alex Newman, Liberty Sentinel CEO, interviews Jeremy Brown, a J6 prisoner behind bars. Jeremy provides an update…

The Next Generation Is Being Groomed For Destruction…

Brandon SmithAug 4, 2023

The past week the National Education Association, the largest teachers union in the US, issued guidance on the use of leftist activist symbols in…