Rigging the Climate Agenda

Alex NewmanDec 10, 2024

BAKU, Azerbaijan — It’s the climate, stupid! The increasingly discredited hypothesis that human emissions of CO2 are driving dangerous global warming underpins almost every key…

Secretive Bilderberg Group to meet this weekend to…

Leo HohmannMay 18, 2023

By Leo Hohmann, 5/18/23 The Bilderberg Group, which brings a handful of the world’s power elites together annually in secret meetings to strategize about…

Boom: Trilateral Commission Declares “2023 is Year One…

Patrick WoodMar 18, 2023

By Patrick Wood, March 17, 2023 The Trilateral Commission’s 50th anniversary marks the culmination of its self-proclaimed “New International Economic Order”.  On March 12,…

From Food Security to EMP Killing Most Americans,…

The threat of a nuclear or even naturally caused EMP killing off 90% of Americans is very real and the frightening thing is that…

Wind Mills Fail in Texas Amid Freezing Temps

John DrozFeb 16, 2021

The irony of idiot wind-mills supposedly saving us from global warming literally freezing during record-breaking cold and leaving Texas without power must not be…