Media Propaganda is Literally Killing Americans – Emerald…

Government-backed lies and propaganda peddled by the corporate media are literally killing Americans and people around the globe, with the push for the COVID…

Leftist Lies Cannot Withstand O’Keefe and Carlson

By Christopher Adamo, 5/3/23 It was barely three months ago that Project Veritas, the organization founded by super investigator James O’Keefe, staged a coup…

Majority of Criminals at J6 were Feds, reveals…

The majority of those who first breeched the U.S. Capitol at the mostly peaceful January 6 protest were actually feds, according to recent facial…

Are the Dominion Voting Systems Lawsuits “Against” Fox…

Thomas WigandMar 1, 2023

By Thomas Wigand, 2/28/23 This week the blue-pill media (a/k/a “mainstream media”) is all atwitter with a (partial) release of Rupert Murdoch’s deposition transcript…

MUST SEE: Joe Biden’s Military Declares HOT WAR…

The “WAR ON WEATHER” is nothing new, but it is now out in the open. Why?