HERE WE STAND: 500th Anniversary of Luther’s Heroic…

On the occasion of the 500th anniversary of Professor Martin Luther’s historic “Here I Stand!” in 1521, we affirm: The Bible is the inspired, infallible and inerrant Word of Almighty God.…

What Are We Saved FOR? Can the Church…

Roger WheelockNov 20, 2021

Over 80% of professing Christian teens abandon their professed faith by the second year in college. Why? 60% of all those who leave the…

God, Sovereignty, Eschatology & Resistance: Discerning The Times…

Bill MuehlenbergNov 18, 2021

OK, a mouthful of a title, bringing together a number of ginormous subjects. But there is a purpose in this. Two recent comments to…

Praying for Justice Against God’s Enemies: The Power…

Spiritual WeaponTo those of us involved in ministering to Christians suffering persecution the imprecatory Psalms are a tremendous source of comfort. Those of us…

Can You Not Do More for God?

Dr. Peter HammondOct 13, 2021

Faith in ActionWe are not saved by good works. But once saved, we should do good works. Salvation is by the grace of God…

Persecution in the Bible: Learn the Facts

Dr. Peter HammondSep 10, 2021

Praying for the PersecutedIn the Book of Revelation, the Apostle John was given a glimpse into Heaven. He sees the martyrs and he hears…


Dr. Peter HammondAug 26, 2021

The Great Commission is great! It contains:- A great Truth – Jesus is Lord over all areas of life.- A great Commission – we are to make…

Homeschool Consulting for Churches, Pastors & Parents

(GrassrootsHQ/Potomac Tea Party) Public School Exit (PSE) offers consulting services regarding a highly developed set of homeschooling options for churches and parents. The initial consultation…

South Sudan Celebrates 10th Anniversary of Secession From…

Independence9 July, marks a monumental answer to prayer as South Sudanese celebrate the 10th anniversary of their successful struggle for self-determination and secession from the…

Pastors Rebuke Edmond Mayor for Embracing LGBT “Pride”

A coalition of local pastors rebuked Edmond, Oklahoma, Mayor Darrell Davis and the City Council for embracing LGBT “Pride” Month, a move the pastors…

Critical Race Theory: A Cult with Demonic Roots…

Roger WheelockJul 8, 2021

It is generally accepted that politics flows downstream from the culture, but most do not realize that the culture flows downstream from the Church!1 In…

UN Globalism: An Anti-Christ Project From Hell

The globalist project to obliterate the nations of the world and merge them into a one-world order is satanic and evil, warned Liberty Sentinel…

Have Conviction & Courage in Battle for the…

Dr. Peter HammondJun 11, 2021

“To the Law and to the testimony! If they do not speak according to this Word, it is because there is no light in…

Youth Must Be MAIN Focus of the Church

Robert DreyfusJun 10, 2021

I believe the following will convince you of the importance of inculcating a biblical worldview in children if the church is to survive.  Most…

Every Nation – The Mission Fields on our…

Let the Whole Earth Hear His VoiceOur Lord Jesus Christ focused on ethnolinguistic people groups in the Great Commission. When the Lord commanded us…

What is the Kingdom of God? Let Jesus…

Alex NewmanJun 4, 2021

Understanding the Kingdom of God that Christ and His disciples preached is critical to understanding where we are, where we are going, and the…

Australian Religious Liberty Threatened by COVID Closure of…

KrisAnne HallMay 31, 2021

When the government can arbitrarily decide that people of faith are not allowed by law, and are subject to fines and imprisonment for exercising…

Christians: Be Salt & Light, Even in Restaurants

Janice Lynn CroseMay 29, 2021

As Christians, we are called to be salt and light in this world. So how do we act differently from the world? Do we…

What Does God Say About Government & Education?

God has a lot to say about government and education in His Word, the Holy Bible, according to Liberty Sentinel Editor Alex Newman and…

Ascension Day: Consider The Greatness of the Great…

Dr. Peter HammondMay 12, 2021

The Great Commission is great! It contains:- A great Truth – Jesus is Lord over all areas of life.- A great Commission – we are to make…

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