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US Governors: “We Will Not Comply” With UN…

Alex NewmanSep 5, 2024

More than half of the nation’s governors declared publicly that they will not comply with the United Nations World Health Organization (UN WHO) and…

RINOs Mourn The Passing of D.C. Politics As…

Christopher AdamoDec 11, 2023

This past Wednesday, former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy announced that he is resigning from the Congress at the end of December. His move surprised…

Understanding the Enormity of Matt Gaetz’s Speakership Rebellion

Christopher AdamoOct 17, 2023

It is a sad irony that such a major sector of America loudly decries the appalling corruption and rampant mutual back-scratching so typical of…

The “Establishment” Strikes Back

Christopher AdamoSep 11, 2023

Every “second string” Republican presidential contender needs to be asked one question and no other, with only a “Yes or No” response accepted. They…

How to Unleash the Power of your Local…

“All politics are local.” The grassroots city, county, and statewide political actions of citizens and elected officials can truly make a lasting, profound impact,…

Bloated Voter Rolls Make It Easy to Cheat…

Chris WrightApr 27, 2023

By Chris Wright, 4/27/23 Here’s how election fraud is committed.  First, you bloat the voter rolls, like keeping dead people on them.  Next, you…

Beware The Latest RINO Pro-Abort Scam

Christopher AdamoApr 26, 2023

“Divide and Conquer” is a battle strategy predating Julius Caesar. Yet despite all the advancements of our technological age, it remains extremely effective. The…

GOP Surges in Florida Ahead of ’24 as…

How do Republicans get more people involved at the grassroots level, and bridge divisions in the Republican party? New GOP Chairman in Seminole County,…

Naysayers Owe The Freedom Caucus An Apology!

Christopher AdamoJan 26, 2023

For the first time in fifty years, Americans can celebrate “Sanctity of Life Sunday” in a nation that does not officially and forcibly authorize…


Diane L. GruberJan 20, 2023

Democrat Party created the KKK in 1867. Their last elected official was Democrat Senator Robert C. Byrd who “served” in DC from 1953 –…

A Thank You Note To “Representative” Liz Cheney

Christopher AdamoOct 20, 2022

By Christopher Adamo, 10/20/22 Dear “Representative” (Soon to be former!) Liz Cheney, On behalf of genuine Conservatives across America, I want to thank you…

Pennsylvania Should be “Florida of the North,” Mastriano…

Governors have a key role to play in rejecting that sort of government overreach, Sen. Mastriano said, calling Florida Governor Ron DeSantis “the gold…

The Real Significance of Liz Cheney’s Political Implosion

Christopher AdamoAug 23, 2022

By Christopher Adamo, 8/22/22 Last Tuesday night, the State of Wyoming was in the National and international spotlight as never before in history. And…

AMAZING Teen Conservative Leaders Offer Hope for America

Two amazing teenage leaders, former Florida Federation of Teenage Republicans Chair Iago Barbosa and current chair Megan Wallington, explain how young conservatives can restore…

Wyoming “Establishment” Election Rigging for RINO Cheney

Christopher AdamoJun 28, 2022

Amid all of the great victories for freedom and America in the past week, leftists also achieved a very sinister milestone in their anti-Second…

Will electing Republicans in November save America and…

Leo HohmannJun 8, 2022

leohohmann Jun 8 ‘Come out of her my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues.’ Revelation 18:4…

Defending Liberty in Florida: Rep. Sabatini on The…

Representative Anthony Sabatini, a leading voice in Florida’s legislature for defending freedom, speaks out in this interview on The Sentinel Report with Alex Newman.…

Tis The Season To Deal With RINOs!

Christopher AdamoMar 16, 2022

Conservative America had better wake up, and quickly! Those who are (rightly) sick and tired of being betrayed by RINOs, at critical junctures where…