Can You See the Doctrine of Demons? |…

Ken Mikle of Olive Tree Ministries talks to CEO Alex Newman about the doctrine of demons influencing children and youth. Because of their…

Globalist “Guru” Claims Trump’s Re-Election Will Mean ‘The…

Brandon SmithJul 22, 2024

Yuval Harari is best known as a globalist “philosopher” or “guru” closely tied to the World Economic Forum.  He is infamous for his Ted…

Free Trade: A Path to the New World…

Brandon SemrowJul 11, 2024

In the Spring 2024 issue of Free Society, a magazine published by the libertarian think tank Cato Institute, they introduced their Defending Globalization Project.…

WHO’s Global “Health” Police State Can Be Stopped:…

Despite a minor setback this month at the World Health Assembly, the United Nations World Health Organization is moving ahead on imposing a totalitarian…

“International Court of Criminals” (ICC) Threatens Humanity, Warns…

Andrew MullerJun 10, 2024

The International Criminal Court (ICC) is a dangerous fraud that recognizes none of the protections for rights and due process that Western peoples fought…

Secretive Bilderberg meeting concludes in Madrid with war,…

Leo HohmannJun 3, 2024

Globalist elites representing the rich and powerful in politics, banking, big tech, media, industry, and academia converged in Madrid, Spain, on May 30-June 2…

Is the Global Cabal a Conspiracy Theory? |…

Are we witnessing the controlled demolition of America? Alex Newman tells Glenn Beck that the globalist types at the World Economic Forum and the…

Conversations That Matter: UN Plot to Digitize, Track…

The Bill Gates- and Rockefeller-backed United Nations “50 in 5” plan aims to digitize identity, currency, and everything else on the road to controlling…

What’s at Stake at the World Health Assembly

At the end of May 2024, the World Health Assembly will vote on two instruments that, if passed and implemented, would usher in a…

Why the U.S. Must Exit the United Nations…

“There are so many reasons why we ought to get out of the United Nations,” says Alex Newman, an investigative journalist who has been…

How Russia Fits Into the Globalist New World…

Trevor Loudon, a prolific author and filmmaker from New Zealand, joins Alex Newman for a Substack paid subscriber exclusive livestream to discuss how Russia…

What Does the Christian Worldview Say About Globalism?

The final book of God’s Word—Revelation—clearly describes that the world in the future before Christ’s return will be largely globalized and led by a…

How the Globalist Climate Change Brainwashing Coup Has…

The United Nations’ 28th annual Conference of the Parties (COP28) in Dubai discussed “climate” change and the future of the West, and the verdict…

Wealth Redistribution Now, Global Taxes Soon

Alex NewmanJan 9, 2024

DUBAI — Throughout the UN COP28 climate summit, Western governments, including the Biden administration, pledged to hand over more and more billions in new…

COP28 ‘Climate’ Summit Review: End Energy (in US),…

The United Nations’ 28th annual Conference of the Parties (COP28) in Dubai has come to a close, and the verdict is in: no fossil…

Crumbling Climate Deception: Reporting From The UN’s COP28…

Reporting on the ground from Dubai in the United Arab Emirates, international journalist Alex Newman and rancher Debbie Bacigalupi cover the true agenda, with receipts,…

UN Desperate for Despotism, Censoring Any Opposition Online

Americans should be repulsed at the usurpation of national and individual sovereignty through U.S. involvement in the United Nations, argues Alex Newman, journalist and…

Who Killed JFK and Uncovering The Global Totalitarian…

Education is one of the key issues in the hearts and minds of Americans heading into 2024. What should education be, and just as…

Inside the UN Plan to Control Speech Online

Alex NewmanNov 27, 2023

A powerful United Nations agency has unveiled a plan to regulate social media and online communication while cracking down on what it describes as…

Unveiling Biotech Secrets & Navigating Global Agendas

International journalist Alex Newman unmasks the hidden global agendas and unlocks the alarming secrets of the biotech world with guest Mike Donio, a seasoned…

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