Harvard Reins Wokeness and “Diversity” & “Equity” Statements…

Alex NewmanJun 12, 2024

The totalitarian ideology underpinning “diversity, equity, and inclusion” (DEI) is becoming more and more toxic as even far-left Harvard University begins reining in the…

WHO Breaks Own Constitution in “Illegal” Power Grab:…

In this episode of Alex Newman’s show, The Sentinel Report, Mat Staver, the founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel, joins Newman to break down…

Illinois to Mandate “Climate” Brainwashing at School

Alex NewmanMay 22, 2024

With the United Nations and other powerful international players demanding more, government schools across Illinois will soon be required to indoctrinate every student with…

Bestiality Taught in Australian School’s “Queer” Sex Class

Alex NewmanApr 10, 2024

What comes after LGBTQIA+ in the rainbow alphabet being taught to captive children? Many critics of the movement assumed it would be P for…

Number of Students Absent from School Skyrockets

Alex NewmanApr 3, 2024

More than one in four students enrolled in government schools nationwide are now considered “chronically absent,” up from just 15 percent before the tyrannical…

DeSantis Settles with LGBT Lobby Neutering Bill Protecting…

In this episode of Alex Newman’s Sentinel Report, Newman dives head first into the most pressing news, including the legal takedown of Ron DeSantis’…

Calif. School Board Removes Hotline Tied to Sexual…

Brenda LebsackMar 19, 2024

In April 2023, Santa Ana Unified removed the Trevor Project Crisis Hotlines from all K–12 schools, as well as from counselors’ business cards. They did so…

Why You Can and Should Homeschool

Alex Newman, the host of The Sentinel Report, breaks down the latest news and interviews four amazing guests in this installment of the program.…

The Reason Why Public Schools Are Incompatible With…

Journalist and author Alex Newman joins Bradlee Dean’s “Sons of Liberty” radio to expose what is really going on in public schools and how…

Biden Unveils LGBT Rules to Force Males into…

Alex NewmanFeb 22, 2024

Under the guise of protecting the “civil rights” of students, the Biden administration unveiled a new regulation purporting to force government schools nationwide to…

Proof That There is an Agenda to Deliberately…

Is the dumbing down of America’s youth simply a happenstance, or is there history proving that the education system has been steered toward this…

Are Children Really Our Future?

Karen SchoenFeb 21, 2024

As a retired teacher, I was really pleased when I read the article in the Jackson Times about how well our students are doing…

Mom Wages War Against Groomers for Targeting Children…

Uncover the hidden threats to our children’s innocence and the corrosive agendas infiltrating our schools as I, Alex Newman, delve into these critical issues…

How Public Schools Have Corrupted America: Roger Stone…

Roger Stone, who personally worked with Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and Donald Trump—all of whom relied on Stone to secure their seats in the…

Children’s Lives Are At Stake: Exit the Public…

Alex Newman, the author of Indoctrinating Our Children to Death: Government Schools’ War On Faith, Family & Freedom–And How to Stop It, steps into…

School Children Told to “Declare Independence” … From…

Alex NewmanFeb 1, 2024

A government schoolteacher in Maine asked students to confess their “unconscious biases” and gave a homework assignment asking them to write a “Declaration of…

Critics Blast Illinois Plan for “Mental Health” Testing…

Alex NewmanJan 31, 2024

Every child in Illinois government schools will be subjected to intrusive “mental health” screenings and data-gathering schemes starting this fall under a controversial new…

Public School is the Primary Weapon of the…

Through the deliberate dumbing down and conditioning of children, the Deep State has radicalized youth to hate America’s Christian, constitutional, and moral heritage to…

Government “Education” Cannot be Fixed: Former AZ Superintendent

The government school system cannot be reformed because it is based on faulty premises, and as such, it is time for families to find…

Repensando el Proposito de la Educación: ¿Qué dice…

(This is a presentation given by Alex Newman while on tour in Puerto Rico on the purpose of education). ¿Cuál es el propósito de…

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