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RINOs Demand ‘Unity’ Amid Their Latest Budget Cave
Christopher AdamoMar 25, 2024
Somewhere in the dark of night, a Constitutional Amendment was apparently passed and ratified, which stated that no matter who has a majority in…
Understanding the Enormity of Matt Gaetz’s Speakership Rebellion
Christopher AdamoOct 17, 2023
It is a sad irony that such a major sector of America loudly decries the appalling corruption and rampant mutual back-scratching so typical of…
According to Joe, Americans are worth 12¢
Karen SchoenJul 25, 2023
Joe Obiden sold Americans into world slavery for 12¢ a head. How can I say that? Easy, emails and bank records show the Biden…
Propaganda, Censorship and Mind Control, We Have it…
Karen SchoenMay 1, 2023
Resistance is futile. That is what the Globalists want you to believe. So they have designed a perfect world where you will own nothing…
Beware The Latest RINO Pro-Abort Scam
Christopher AdamoApr 26, 2023
“Divide and Conquer” is a battle strategy predating Julius Caesar. Yet despite all the advancements of our technological age, it remains extremely effective. The…