Lesser Magistrates Standing in the Gap: Alex Newman

At the Florida Freedom Summit, Alex Newman highlighted the dangers of government overreach and stressed the importance of returning to the principles of limited…

Alex Newman Mariusz Skrobała: New World Order, the…

Mariusz Skrobała talks to Alex Newman, award-winning journalist, owner of a media organization “Liberty Sentinel”, host of the show “Behind the Deep State”, author…

Central Bank Digital Currencies: The End of Privacy…

Central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) are coming at us like a freight train. The movement to kill cash, digitize all transactions, and harness them…

Speak Out and Your Career is Over

Karen SchoenAug 7, 2023

If schools taught reading writing and math we wouldn’t need Affirmative Action. It is much easier to yell race as an excuse for students…

Humanity’s Ageless Struggle… What Is a Person Worth?

Reprinted to Liberty Sentinel with full permission of authors. Beneath the surface of the oppressive COVID-19 “public health” policies and practices, another phase in…

Biden creates new ‘permanent’ Office of Pandemic Preparedness…

Leo HohmannJul 27, 2023

Last week on Friday, July 21, the Biden administration quietly announced the creation of a new permanent office within the White House called the…

Authoritarian, Totalitarian, Tyrannical, Dictator What Difference Does It…

Karen SchoenJul 13, 2023

“Of all tyrannies a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victim may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live…

Biblical Response to Lockdowns and Facemasks

Dr. Peter HammondNov 27, 2020

“Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.” Galatians…


Sean JacksonNov 14, 2020

THE MEDICAL DICTATORSHIP RISES 11/14/2020- Some Americans were outraged at the announcement that Ticketmaster was going to FORCE Americans to get an untried, experimental…