Nurse Fights COVID mRNA Shots, Encourages Local Response

Alex NewmanFeb 19, 2025

The Liberty Report host Alex Newman welcomes registered nurse and activist Laura Demeray to discuss the ongoing fight against dangerous mRNA injections. With major…

Nixon’s Youngest Lawyer Reflects on Watergate 50 Years…

Andrew MullerAug 9, 2024

Richard Nixon, America’s 37th President, resigned his office on August 9, 1974, in the wake of the Watergate scandal. Considering the 50th anniversary of…

Send Your Neighbor To Prison For “WrongSpeak,” Get…

Diane L. GruberMar 4, 2024

A bill has moved through the Washington State Senate and House, and is headed to Governor Jay Inslee’s desk. Since he is an extreme…

Congress Plots “Nation-destroying” Amnesty & Legalizing Biden Border…

Lawmakers in Washington, D.C., are plotting to ram a massive amnesty bill through Congress that would legalize much of what the Biden administration has…

de Tocqueville Was Right: Swarms of Busy-Bee Bureaucrats…

Chris WrightMay 17, 2023

By Chris Wright, 5/12/23 The American Idea is that We the People are sovereign and the purpose of government is to protect our rights. …


Diane L. GruberMar 15, 2023

By Diane L. Gruber, 3/15/23 By redefining “money,” politicians, bureaucrats & lobbyists are using the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) to pave the way in…

Joint Chiefs Boss Milley is No Washington

Cliff KincaidJul 3, 2021

George Washington, the father of our country, warned against many different threats to America. Of utmost importance at the time, he warned of the…

After War on Top Globalist King, Washington Warned…

William FedererDec 29, 2020

Read about the death of George Washington, and especially the prescient warning he left that echoed through the centuries!

Thanksgiving Proclamations: Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Lincoln, Roosevelt &…

William FedererNov 26, 2020

Truth about Thanksgiving is getting harder to come by, so here is some history and facts about this wonderful Holiday.


Sean JacksonNov 4, 2020

11/4/2020- Christian, Conservative activist Bevelyn Beatty was STABBED IN THE BACK while defending another man in the street early this morning. Three Black Lives…