2020 Election Theft Under OFFICIAL Investigation: Fulton County…

Join Alex Newman for an exciting interview with the leader of GA Nerds, Kim P. Brooks. They delve into how we can save the…

FBI Whistleblower Exposes Corruption While U.K. Arrests Citizens…

Andrew MullerAug 13, 2024

In this episode of The Liberty Report, host Alex Newman welcomes FBI whistleblower Steve Friend and UK analyst Peter McIlvenna for a no-holds-barred discussion on…

Teachers’ Union Places LGBTQ Students At Higher Risk…

Brenda LebsackJul 25, 2024

As a Delegate of the California Teachers Association (CTA) and teacher for 30 years, I see how laws, policies and school resources, endorsed by…

Indoctrinating Our Children To Death: Saving Children from…

Is public school properly educating our children? Robert Bortins, the CEO of Classical Conversations, chats with Classical Conversations Senior Fellow Alex Newman, who also…

Inside Scoop on the RNC Platform Committee: Senator…

In this episode of Alex Newman’s The Sentinel Report, Tendai Ruben Mbofana, a journalist from Zimbabwe, joins the show to break down the real…

Did The Deep State Try To Kill Trump?…

Award-winning journalist Alex Newman joins Pastor Tom Hughes on Hope for Our Times to offer a deep analysis of the assassination attempt against President…

Final Victory of Christ Over the Forces of…

Alex Newman, an author, journalist, CEO, and educator, says that Christians are to have no fellowship with wickedness but to rather expose it, fight…

CHAPTER 1: What Is Reality?

Linda GoudsmitFeb 6, 2024

Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier—Reality Is [upcoming release March 2024] Globalism is a replacement ideology that seeks to reorder the world into…

Message to the Church in America: Silence is…

As America kills more babies through abortion, mutilates youth in the name of “gender affirming care,” racks up trillions of dollars in debt, and…

Do You Have A Biblical Worldview? Test It…

America needs a “worldview checkup.” We all know this. But it must start with the Church. After all, it is the Church who is…

The Importance of a Biblical Worldview

Dr. Peter HammondNov 15, 2023

Foundations to Endure a StormOur Lord warned of the danger of building one’s life on the sand. We need to build our lives upon…

Thinking Like a Theologian: Christian Worldview Vs. the…

It is critical for Christians to have good theology in everything, but especially when it comes to education, explains journalist and educator Alex Newman…

Saving US by Restoring Biblical Worldview: Dan Smithwick…

The worldview of Americans has rapidly been transformed away from a biblical lens toward a secular-humanist or even socialist worldview and this is true…

Using Public “Education,” Godless Elitists Transformed Americans’ Worldview 

The fundamental transformation taking place in the United States is the direct result of the radical changes in Americans’ worldview brought about by godless…

US Has Chosen “Gods” of Narcissism & Nihilism,…

As America and family unravel thanks to decades of turning our backs on the true and living God, Christians can and should unite to…

Jews Must Exit The Left

In this episode of The Sentinel Report on Lindell TV, Alex Newman, the co-author of the book, “Crimes of the Educators,” interviews Charles Moscowitz…