Biden Targets Africans With LGBT Imperialism

Julio SeveroFeb 12, 2021

The new administration is threatening and terrorizing nations that do not bow before the golden LGBT idol.

Christians, Persecutors and Lions: We’ve Been Here Before

Julio SeveroJan 24, 2021

While Christians today are discussing the danger of a coming government that will persecute them relentlessly and the right is exploiting this fear to…

Facebook Response to Christian Conservatism: Censorship & Account…

Julio SeveroOct 27, 2020

Can free speech be real in Facebook when conservative Christian views are censored and, if a conservative Christian does not respect its left-wing censorship,…

How Socialists Turned U.S. Into a Globalist Empire

Julio SeveroOct 21, 2020

World War 2 was beginning, and for patriotic and conservative reasons Republicans did not want any involvement of their nation with foreign problems, but…

Disney Unveils First Bisexual Lead in Demonic Cartoon…

Julio SeveroAug 17, 2020

It is not only witchcraft that is presented in the Disney Channel. Disney has confirmed a bisexual lead character on “The Owl House” series.…

Anti-Christian Sorcerer Receives Award From Pompeo

Julio SeveroAug 3, 2020

Shock. It is the only word that can be used to describe the behavior of the U.S. State Department, commanded by a conservative evangelical,…

US Embassy in Moscow Defiantly Celebrates LGBT “Pride”

Julio SeveroJul 2, 2020

To mark LGBT “Pride” Month, the US Embassy in Russia defiantly and prominently displayed the flag of the homosexual movement outside its building on…