By Dr. Peter Hammond, 9/6/22 The Great Commission is great! It contains:- A great Truth – Jesus is Lord over all areas of life.-…

How the Church is Failing Her Families

Roger WheelockAug 23, 2022

By Roger Wheelock, 8/23/22 The Purpose of the Church in Today’s America If one was to ask a typical Christian what the purpose of…


Dr. Peter HammondAug 18, 2022

By Dr. Peter Hammond, 8/18/22 Never have there been so many incredible opportunities for missionary work worldwide, yet there are tens of thousands of…

The Fear of God ALONE–Not Man!

Dr. Peter HammondAug 12, 2022

By Dr. Peter Hammond, 08/12/22 “And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who…


Don WeidmanAug 12, 2022

By Don Weidman, 7/25/2022 What significance could the crack in the liberty bell have in the future of the United States of America? This…

How Were These Evil Floodgates Opened On America?

By Christopher Adamo, 8/8/22 In a recent message, Pastor Jack Hibbs of Calvary ChapelChino Hills made a chilling observation regarding the condition of ourCountry.…


Dr. Peter HammondJul 15, 2022

By Dr. Peter Hammond, 7/15/22 Can we accept Jesus as Savior, without submitting to Him as Lord? I have heard this question in various…

WILLIAM TYNDALE and The Battle for the BIBLE

Dr. Peter HammondJun 30, 2022

Bishop Stephen Bradley observed: “We are in danger of forgetting truths for which previous generations gave their lives.”That our churches are in danger of…

Leave Sodom: Schools Preparing Children For Anti-Christ, Warns…

It is time for Christians to separate themselves from Sodom and remove their children from the godless government schools that are preparing a generation…

SCOTUS strikes down Roe, giving HUGE victory to…

Leo HohmannJun 24, 2022

The battle for the right to life has only just now begun June 24, 2022 Fifty years of blood, sweat and prayers, often watered…


Dr. Peter HammondJun 22, 2022

“Thus says the Lord: ‘Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength, whose heart departs from the Lord. For…

PROPAGANDA WARS: The Raging Battle Over the ChristianMind

Roger WheelockJun 20, 2022

Dr. Chester M. Pierce, Professor of Education and Psychology at Harvard University made this shocking statement at the Childhood International Education Seminar in 1973.…

America’s Ongoing Destruction is Due to SIN: Lt.…

The horror that is overtaking America is a direct result of the sin that has been embraced by the nation, Lt. Col. Oliver North…


Dr. Peter HammondJun 14, 2022

By Dr. Peter Hammond, 6/13/22 Do Not Waste Your LifeThrough the years, I have often heard people talking about what they were going to…

The Foundations of Law and Justice – MAGNA…

Most Valuable15 June marks the 806th anniversary of the proclamation of Magna Carta. Magna Carta has been one of the most valuable exports of…


For a Christian not to be Spirit-filled is a downright sin. If you are not filled with the Spirit then you are living in…

The Biblical, Historical and Practical Basis for Self-Defense

Is it Biblical to Arm Ourselves for Self-Defense?“But if anyone does not provide for his own and especially for those of his household, he…

From Eternity to here: A brief note on…

Mark SunwallJun 2, 2022

Posted on May 29, 2022 Before there was Post-modernism there was Modernism…and it was already too late There is a general feeling among non-mainstream…

A Tribute to Mrs Dorothea Scarborough

Dr. Peter HammondMay 27, 2022

Dorothea Olivet was born on Valentine’s Day 14 February 1936. She was the eldest of 5 children: her younger sisters: Madeleine and Wilhelma, her…

Putting The Greatness Back Into The GREAT COMMISSION

Dr. Peter HammondMay 25, 2022

“All the ends of the world shall remember and turn to the Lord and all the families of the nations shall worship before You.…

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