IMF Boss Says Governments Need to Impose Global…

Leo HohmannDec 6, 2023

Kristalina Georgieva, a Bulgarian economist who serves as the managing director of the International Monetary Fund, said Monday that the IMF wants to see…

UN Report Condemns U.S.

Alex NewmanDec 5, 2023

The latest report issued by the UN Human Rights Committee demands that the United States crack down on free speech, change the Constitution, and…

Proof That the Bible Formed America & How…

Despite what leftist professors and historians say, America’s foundational, constitutional, and moral roots are inseparable from the Bible. To illustrate this point, Donald Lutz,…

UN Report Condemns U.S., Demanding Speech Control, Constitution…

Alex NewmanNov 9, 2023

While praising the Biden administration for supposedly making progress bringing the United States into compliance with United Nations agreements by promoting abortion, gun control,…

The Weaponization of Religion: Globalist Wolves in Sheep’s…

Alex Newman, senior editor for The New American, is on a speaking tour exposing the diabolical worldwide campaign to subvert religion, and especially Christianity,…

Globalists & Communist-Jihadist Axis Seek to Destroy Civilization…

Globalists in the West and evildoers worldwide are building up the Communist-Jihadist axis in an effort to destroy Christendom and Western civilization, explains journalist…

The United Nation’s Agenda 2030 Targets American Freedom

The 78th annual session of the United Nations General Assembly was convened last month. A two-day Sustainable Development Goals Summit was held on September…

134 UN Members Led by Cuba Demand Global…

The Group of 77 Plus China (G77 + China) alliance of 134 United Nations member governments and dictatorships met last month ahead of the UN General…

Biden Border Invasion is War on America &…

The massive invasion of illegal immigration being deliberately orchestrated by the Biden administration is part of a war on America and the concept of…

EXPOSED: China’s Collectivist Threat to the U.S.

WEF Founder Klaus Schwab said that China is a “role model for many countries.” But the Chinese model is one of tyranny, collectivism, and…

Globalist G20 Summit Announces Plan for Digital Currency

Cash has always been king, but globalists are pushing for a centralized digital currency to dethrone it. This trackable, manipulatable form of currency is…

Cities Succumbing to Climate Change Hysteria

Originally posted at There’s another globalist effort afoot that this time is attempting to lure cities from across the nation and around the…

UN “Global Governance” Backed by Biden & CCP:…

The United Nations agenda for global governance is accelerating and is being pushed by both the Biden administration and by the Chinese Communist Party,…

Transhumanism & the War on Humanity, Lawmakers Battle…

The “transhumanism” movement poses an existential threat to humanity as technology such as Artificial Intelligence, brain-computer interfaces and genetic modification continue to develop at…

BRICS & The New World Order: Alex Newman…

The BRICS alliance is not a counterweight to the Western bloc but rather a grouping working to build the New World Order envisioned by…

Understanding The Parasitic Cooperation Between Globalists And Leftists

Brandon SmithAug 25, 2023

Originally published at Alt-Market.US I have to admit that in my efforts to analyze and dissect far-left/globalist ideologies and agendas I have come to…

Hungary Will Resist Globalist Assault on Nation &…

Hungary is determined to resist the globalist assault on the nation-state and the Hungarian people’s Christian heritage, Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and…

UN: Let Them Eat Bugs! | Alex Newman…

Alex Newman, award-winning journalist and Liberty Sentinel founder and CEO, exposes a 2013 UN report stating that meat, chicken, and traditional agriculture are “not…

Humanity’s Ageless Struggle… What Is a Person Worth?

Reprinted to Liberty Sentinel with full permission of authors. Beneath the surface of the oppressive COVID-19 “public health” policies and practices, another phase in…

From Global to Local: An Expansive Network Advances…

Sarah WintersAug 3, 2023

Local communities, towns, cities, governments, and schools are being transformed across the nation. Behind the scenes, a system of “deep social networks,” consisting of…

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