Trump Kicked Off Colorado Ballot, Feds Plot to…

In this episode of The Sentinel Report, international journalist Alex Newman exposes the federal government’s new “Federal Plan for Equitable Long-Term Recovery and Resilience”…

People of all faiths should be offended by…

Brenda LebsackJun 8, 2023

PUBLISHED: June 6, 2023 at 11:06 a.m. | UPDATED: June 6, 2023 at 4:20 p.m. As founder of the Interfaith Statewide Coalition and state delegate of the California Teachers…


Dr. Peter HammondMay 28, 2023

John the Baptist was “The voice of one crying in the wilderness: Prepare the way of the Lord; make His paths straight.” Matthew 3:3…

The Glory of God in the Last Days

Tony CollegeMay 23, 2023

The Lord Jesus sitting at the right hand of the Father looks upon His beloved bride on earth. He sees her persecutions, trials, and…

Summer Camp “SonShine”

Summer church camp was over. Lasting friendships, spiritual growth and commitments for Christ surpassed any other time of the year. Pastor Mario Flores, Camp…

LIVE From First Landing 1607 Re-Dedicating America to…

Learning our history, remembering the historic covenants at the foundation of America, and getting the Church involved again are critical to the survival of…

Historic “First Landing” Event Will Rededicate America To…

A historic event to re-dedicate the United States to God and remind God of the covenant formed by the first English Christian settlers is…

Recognizing the Modern Winds of War

Christopher AdamoApr 14, 2023

By Christopher Adamo, 4/3/23 During this past week, a litany of atrocities were visited on America. In Tennessee, a deranged young woman armed herself,…

“Gay” Theology Infiltrating Church, Warns AFA’s MD Perkins

So-called gay Christianity and theology is making major inroads even into once-conservative denominations as the LGBT movement has captivated society with devastating effects, warns…

The TRUTH About “Separation of Church & State”…

America needs to REPENT or the nation is in BIG trouble, says American Pastors Network founder and broadcaster Sam Rohrer in this episode of…

What Martyrdom In The West Looks Like

By Pastor Andrew Isker, 2/27/23. Reprinted with permission. Most American Christians have been told their entire lives to be ready to give their lives…