RFK Jr. Questions Party Politics and Follows George…

Andrew MullerNov 8, 2023

The fourth member of his family to seek the White House’s helm, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. grows more popular with each passing day. If…

The Ron and the Don in 2024 –…

Roger Stone, a veteran of ten national presidential campaigns, having served as a senior campaign aide to three Republican presidents: Nixon, Reagan, and Trump,…

Leftist Lies Cannot Withstand O’Keefe and Carlson

By Christopher Adamo, 5/3/23 It was barely three months ago that Project Veritas, the organization founded by super investigator James O’Keefe, staged a coup…


Diane L. GruberApr 25, 2023

Transferring Wealth From Responsible Americans To The Irresponsible

Coming To Grips With The Two Americas

Emily FultonApr 11, 2023

In a clearly unintentional moment of “candor” from the 2004 John Kerry/John Edwards presidential campaign, Edwards attempted to create a divide between the “haves”…

GOP Surges in Florida Ahead of ’24 as…

How do Republicans get more people involved at the grassroots level, and bridge divisions in the Republican party? New GOP Chairman in Seminole County,…

Silicon Valley Bank: Another Woke Democrat Cesspool

Chris WrightMar 13, 2023

By Chris Wright, 3/13/23 Dennis Prager likes to say the Left destroys everything it touches.  Now it’s destroying banking.  Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), the…