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Leading Docs Speak Out Against COVID Quackery &…

Multiple leading medical doctors have spoken out against what they view as ineffective and dangerous COVID19 protocols being foisted on America by Dr. Anthony…

Accepting The Perverse “New Normal” Is A Disgrace!

Had any prophet of doom tried to warn to America, only two or three years back, of the abominable changes that have since befallen…

Will Gen. Flynn Run for President? The Sentinel…

Will General Michael Flynn run for president at some point? Find out what he says in this exclusive interview with The Sentinel Report with…

Church Must Reclaim Education from Satan: Mangalwadi on…

The Church must reclaim education and schooling from Satan and from government to be faithful to God’s commands and properly disciple young Christians, leading…

Roundup of 2021 and What to Expect in…

2021 has been an impactful year!  We’ve seen things happen this year that many never envisioned for our nation.  There were the mandates, inflation,…

Technocracy Will be Worse Than Communism or Nazism,…

The technocratic global regime being imposed on humanity right now by international elites under the guise of COVID and climate will be worse than…

US Military Threatens National Security With Marxist-CRT Training,…

Radical indoctrination being imposed on American military personnel has become a threat to national security, with some members of the Armed Services losing their…

Transgenderism Is Communism, Literally

Chris WrightDec 16, 2021

So many narratives, so little time.  Today, we take another look at the transgender narrative and zero in on how the wheels are falling…

South Africa-style Communist Revolution in America? Yes, Says…

The United States is right now in the midst of a revolution that has striking parallels with the Communist takeover of South Africa, and…

Creating One-Room School Houses in Churches Across America

Imagine how different America, her churches, and her families would look if instead of radicalized government schools, Christians established traditional one-room school houses all…

Global COVID Panic & the Dictatorship of ‘Vaccine-ism’

Don AlltoadaDec 12, 2021

The synthetically produced COVID-19 is still around and its devastating consequences for peoples and economies are long-lasting. What has changed since it first appeared…


A new chapter of “Unraveling the Narrative”, “Live on Liberty”, has started. We need your help in being a force-multiplier. Share out the show…

Dr. Carson Slams Vax Mandates, COVID Shots for…

The long-term risks of COVID injections for children are unknown while the risks of COVID to children are miniscule to non-existent, warned former U.S.…

Praying for Justice Against God’s Enemies: The Power…

Spiritual WeaponTo those of us involved in ministering to Christians suffering persecution the imprecatory Psalms are a tremendous source of comfort. Those of us…

Guns, Drugs, Bodies, the CIA, and U.S. Extradition

Marty GottesfeldOct 31, 2021

U.S. intelligence agencies are lobbying the United Kingdom to extradite Wikileaks-founder Julian Assange. For now the British courts have refused. Forcing Assange to stand…

Deep State Cannot Stop Unprecedented Awakening

Newman, who wrote the popular book called “Deep State: The Invisible Government Behind the Scenes,” explains, “Everybody knows that the press is lying…” ” …

Plan to Make Vax Passports Required for EVERYTHING

Leo HohmannOct 11, 2021

It’s time for an update on where things are heading in the formerly free Western world as a result of public compliance with a…

CDC Claims it Can Hijack Police to Enforce…

Leo HohmannSep 28, 2021

We’ve all seen the videos from Australia. Police chasing down and beating a helpless woman, shooting rubber bullets at construction workers who violate that…

God as Father: Adoption into Abba’s Family Through…

Alex NewmanSep 25, 2021

What does it mean to be a Christian? It means many things. It means we follow Christ. It means our faith is in the…

Breaking Down the ‘Great Reset’: Global Techo-Tyranny

International journalist Alex Newman has been researching the global elite’s plan of initiating the Great Reset for decades. In fact, his articles in The…

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