Storming into WWIII

David HaggithAug 29, 2024

With Israel launching major attacks on West Bank towns in the past 24 hours, Houthis blowing up oil tankers full of oil, and Belarus…

WWIII Imminent? Globalists Alliance With CCP Exposed: Alex…

Alex Newman discusses the Globalists’ War on Freedom,” at the American Freedom Alliance WW3 conference in Scottsdale, AZ August 3, 2024. Will the Globalists…

GOP’s Right to Reject Funding of Perpetual War

A dramatic meeting on Tuesday at the White House for sending $60 billion more to the NATO war in Ukraine was stacked 4-to-1 against…

Why Global Elitists are Hungry for War to…

Why the relentless push for more and more war? Alex Newman joins the A Minute to Midnite Show with Tony to offer some sobering…

A World in Turmoil:  The Big Picture –…

On October 7th, Hamas struck Israel with a deadly attack.  Earlier today, Israel’s defense minister told ground troops at the border that they are…

Globalists & Communist-Jihadist Axis Seek to Destroy Civilization…

Globalists in the West and evildoers worldwide are building up the Communist-Jihadist axis in an effort to destroy Christendom and Western civilization, explains journalist…

US Foreign Policy Aids & Abets Persecution of…

The U.S. government’s out-of-control and totally unconstitutional foreign policy is fueling persecution of Christians around the world, explains Alex Newman in this episode of…


Dr. Peter HammondJul 21, 2023

Phillip Launches the ArmadaPhillip II of Spain called the Catholic world to a Crusade against Protestant England. It was English gold and support that…

Silent, Empty Dodgers Stadium Sends A Resounding Message

Christopher AdamoJun 19, 2023

Back in the 1980s, in the waning days of Soviet Russia, cracks began to appear in its iron-fisted dominance of so-called “satellite states.” In…

Destroying the US Dollar: Biden Admin & CCP…

The Chinese regime is pushing a global campaign to get other nations to join its “de-dollarization” movement, explains Epoch Times contributor Alex Newman in…

US Betrayed to Communist China: Ex-Asst. Defense Sec.…

The United States is under attack from within, with betrayal to the Chinese Communist Party in both the public and private sectors, warns Center…

Is Border Invasion an Actual Invasion? Sentinel Report

In this episode of The Sentinel Report, MN school board member DeEtta Moos joins Alex Newman to give us a sneak peek at special…

Prominent South African on African Lessons for Defeating…

How do we fight the madness going on all around us? TNT radio host of “Jerm Warfare” Jeremy Nell joins Alex in this episode…

Biblical Battle vs Evil: “Education,” Christianity & US…

Americans and Christians must know themselves and the enemy in this epic war against the forces of evil that is raging all around us,…

Gun Grabbers Seeking to Disarm Americans Because They…

Brandon SmithApr 24, 2023

By Brandon Smith, 4/21/23 Should the actions of a handful of criminals be used as an excuse to take away the rights of millions…

Recognizing the Modern Winds of War

Christopher AdamoApr 14, 2023

By Christopher Adamo, 4/3/23 During this past week, a litany of atrocities were visited on America. In Tennessee, a deranged young woman armed herself,…

What’s REALLY happening in Ukraine? with Capt. Gary…

Putin is evil and must be stopped as he wages relentless war on a Ukraine that voluntarily disarmed in response to security guarantees offered…

Michigan-funded Chinese battery maker will require allegiance to…

Leo HohmannMar 27, 2023

By Leo Hohmann, 3/23/23 It’s remarkable to me that any serious nation could be doing what the United States government and its corporate partners…

From Food Security to EMP Killing Most Americans,…

The threat of a nuclear or even naturally caused EMP killing off 90% of Americans is very real and the frightening thing is that…

WWIII Coming Soon? + Pseudo-Scientific Terror | Liberty…

A wide variety of pseudo-scientific and fraudulent threats such as man-made climate change, the plastic patch in the ocean and more are being used…

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