Silence Equals Consent – The Sin of Omission:…

In this episode of Alex Newman’s The Sentinel Report, Newman and Liberty Sentinel journalist Andrew Muller break down the latest news, including Congress’ “attempt”…

Mexican President Calls for EU-style North American Union

Alex NewmanMay 20, 2024

The United States, Mexico, and Canada should be united under a European Union-style transnational government, declared far-left Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador last…

Democrats Vow to Save Mike Johnson, Saying, ‘We…

In this episode of The Sentinel Report, hosted by Alex Newman, we uncover the recent moves by House Republicans to oust Speaker Mike Johnson…

Bestiality Taught in Australian School’s “Queer” Sex Class

Alex NewmanApr 10, 2024

What comes after LGBTQIA+ in the rainbow alphabet being taught to captive children? Many critics of the movement assumed it would be P for…

RINOs Demand ‘Unity’ Amid Their Latest Budget Cave

Christopher AdamoMar 25, 2024

Somewhere in the dark of night, a Constitutional Amendment was apparently passed and ratified, which stated that no matter who has a majority in…

3 Reasons the Stock Market May Be a…

Note: The information provided by this publication or any related communications is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as financial advice.…

Send Your Neighbor To Prison For “WrongSpeak,” Get…

Diane L. GruberMar 4, 2024

A bill has moved through the Washington State Senate and House, and is headed to Governor Jay Inslee’s desk. Since he is an extreme…

Mitch McConnell Calls It Quits: The Sentinel Report

At the age of 82, Mitch McConnell has announced that he is stepping down as the minority leader in the U.S. Senate. In this…

What Happens When the Church Retreats from the…

Roger WheelockFeb 16, 2024

As we approach the critical elections of 2024, it is vital that Christians carefully consider the role of the Church in politics. Does the…

Pope Francis’ Folly & Republicans Fail With Border…

Pope Francis has continued to throw doctrine and reason out the window in pursuit of progressive and socialist ideology, explained William F. Japser, a…

How Public Schools Have Corrupted America: Roger Stone…

Roger Stone, who personally worked with Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and Donald Trump—all of whom relied on Stone to secure their seats in the…

CHAPTER 1: What Is Reality?

Linda GoudsmitFeb 6, 2024

Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier—Reality Is [upcoming release March 2024] Globalism is a replacement ideology that seeks to reorder the world into…

SCOTUS Worsens Migrant Crisis by Violating Texas Sovereignty

Texans have never liked tyranny from D.C., and Monday’s 5-4 emergency ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court against the Lone Star State tosses fuel…

Out of Africa and Into America: Parallels &…

There are shocking similarities between South Africa and the United States of America, explained Simon Roche, the director of foreign affairs for Suidlanders, an…

Satanic Abortion Rituals & Spiritual Forces Behind Politics…

Scripture says in Ephesians chapter six verse twelve, “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities,…

RINOs Mourn The Passing of D.C. Politics As…

Christopher AdamoDec 11, 2023

This past Wednesday, former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy announced that he is resigning from the Congress at the end of December. His move surprised…

Biden & Co. Bow to ChiCom’s New World…

The Biden administration, California Governor Gavin Newsom, and many of America’s most powerful Big Business CEOs rolled out the red carpet and bowed down…

Marxist Tactics Exposed: Beware of BLAFIWHIMPs!

Steve BaldwinNov 20, 2023

Americans like to use nicknames for various groups of people.  A common one used mostly by liberals is “Karen,” which supposedly is a demanding…

Decolonization: What If Booting Radical Leftists Out Of…

Brandon SmithNov 20, 2023

At what point does radical activism cross the line and become a declaration of war? It’s a question I’ve been pondering for a long…

JFK Assassination 60 Years Later: The Conspiracy, Coverup,…

Andrew MullerNov 17, 2023

On November 22, 1963, John F. Kennedy was brutally assassinated while campaigning in Dallas, Texas. 60 years later, the American people are still demanding…

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