According to Joe, Americans are worth 12¢

Karen SchoenJul 25, 2023

Joe Obiden sold Americans into world slavery for 12¢ a head. How can I say that? Easy, emails and bank records show the Biden…

The Real Agenda Behind Open Borders – Alex…

Open borders are resulting in all sorts of chaos and crime across the United States, but there are even more sinister motives behind the…

Destroy America for One World Government – Alex…

Greg HunterJul 12, 2023

Award-winning journalist Alex Newman, author of the popular book “Deep State,” contends everything you are seeing from open borders to pushing the transgender ideology…

Biden’s Open Border is Top National Security Threat,…

Over 5 million illegal immigrants have poured across the “deliberately” wide-open U.S.-Mexico border including Communist Chinese military operatives and Islamic terrorists, posing an enormous…

House GOP Threatens Biden Bid to Rejoin UN…

The Biden administration is working to rejoin the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), but Republicans on the House Appropriations Committee say…

EXCLUSIVE: US Bid to Rejoin UN Education Agency…

Alex NewmanJun 29, 2023

Despite an ongoing scandal involving the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) leadership and the agency’s decision to flout U.S. law by…

Stolen 2020 Election Destroys America’s International Standing

Christopher AdamoJun 26, 2023

In the best of times, Government “of, by, and for the people” has some serious drawbacks, though nothing compared to the dangers of unaccountable…

Destroying the US Dollar: Biden Admin & CCP…

The Chinese regime is pushing a global campaign to get other nations to join its “de-dollarization” movement, explains Epoch Times contributor Alex Newman in…

CCP Using UN & WHO to Advance Global…

The Chinese Communist Party has weaponized the United Nations and agencies of the UN such as the World Health Organization (WHO) to undermine the…

Efforts to Stop UN World “Health” Power Grab…

Alex NewmanMay 30, 2023

Amid a major power grab by the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) seeking to further empower the global agency, lawmakers and leaders across…

Feds Target Fox, GOP, NRA & John Birch…

Alex NewmanMay 27, 2023

The Department of “Homeland Security” was exposed funding a “terror” program by university radicals that paints most Americans as dangerous far-right extremists who need…

Biden Crimes Exposed: Are CCP Ties Evidence of…

New revelations and documents uncovered by the U.S. House of Representatives Oversight Committee show the Biden crime family was receiving millions of dollars, much…

Believe Leftist Hysteria Over President Trump’s CNN Townhall

Christopher AdamoMay 17, 2023

By Christopher Adamo, 5/15/23 Leftists across America have been throwing absolute tantrums of indignation, ever since President Trump made his appearance at the May…

Border Flood: How Did We Get to This…

Chris WrightMay 15, 2023

By Chris Wright, 5/12/23 The end of Title 42 COVID restrictions today is expected to bring a flood of illegal aliens trying to cross…


Diane L. GruberMay 5, 2023

Since the Biden Administration opened up America’s southern border on January 20, 2021 Americans have watched the sad spectacle of Biden’s guests drowning as…

Joe Biden Escalates War on Parents

Chris WrightApr 25, 2023

By Chris Wright, 4/25/23 Joe Biden announced in a campaign video he is running for reelection in 2024.  The video talked a lot about…

Biden’s New Executive Orders Part of War on…

The latest executive orders from Joe Biden to force you to subsidize mortgages and have every single federal agency pursue “environmental justice” play into…

Gun Grabbers Seeking to Disarm Americans Because They…

Brandon SmithApr 24, 2023

By Brandon Smith, 4/21/23 Should the actions of a handful of criminals be used as an excuse to take away the rights of millions…

Hunter Biden: More Shoes to Drop

Chris WrightApr 19, 2023

By Chris Wright, 4/19/23 The House Oversight Committee is now investigating six additional members of the Biden family for illicitly profiting off of Joe…

UN Seeks Vast New Powers for Global Emergencies

Alex NewmanApr 15, 2023

The United Nations is seeking vast new powers and stronger “global governance” tools to deal with international emergencies such as pandemics and economic crises,…

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