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“Coup” Against Trump Failed, But Danger Remains: Roger…

Based on his insights into American politics and especially the assassination of John F. Kennedy and the attempted murder of Ronald Reagan, legendary political…

Manufacturing Enemies: Deep State Terror & ISIS –…

By supporting jihadists and known al Qaeda terrorists in from Libya to Syria and worldwide, the Deep State and its machine in Washington, D.C.,…

“International Court of Criminals” (ICC) Threatens Humanity, Warns…

Andrew MullerJun 10, 2024

The International Criminal Court (ICC) is a dangerous fraud that recognizes none of the protections for rights and due process that Western peoples fought…

Mexican President Calls for EU-style North American Union

Alex NewmanMay 20, 2024

The United States, Mexico, and Canada should be united under a European Union-style transnational government, declared far-left Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador last…

Yucky YouTube Strikes Again, Banning The New American

Andrew MullerNov 16, 2023

The New American, a semimonthly print publication with daily online content, has been banned from YouTube. Thousands of videos–many with hundreds of thousands of…

Soviet Shootdown of KAL007 & HERO Rep. McDonald:…

Forty years ago, the Soviet Union shot down civilian airliner KAL 007 carrying Congressman Larry McDonald, one of the most important leaders in the…

Selwyn Duke: What Would the World Be Without…

While it has become fashionable to find fault with Western civilization, a world without the West would not be a pleasant place for anyone…

UN & WEF Seeking Global Slavery

Frank De VaronaMay 11, 2023

By Frank De Varona, 5/10/23 The Great Reset and Transhumanism was published in 2022 by The New American (author) and Gary Benoit (editor). Amazon…

INVASION! America at Risk as MILLIONS Flow to…

We CAN cripple the Deep state, but people must get involved, explained Phyllis Schlafly Eagles President Ed Martin on this episode of The Sentinel…

Dr. Carson Slams Vax Mandates, COVID Shots for…

The long-term risks of COVID injections for children are unknown while the risks of COVID to children are miniscule to non-existent, warned former U.S.…