UN WHO Power Grab Partly Delayed, but Not…

Despite early indications that the World Health Organization’s breath-taking power grab was facing set backs, the global outfit made major progress on usurping unprecedented…

Global Digital Gulag Imminent, Brought to You by…

The United Nations and Bill Gates are conscripting governments around the world into the 50-in-5 agenda to impose a global digital gulag on humanity…

Conversations That Matter: UN Plot to Digitize, Track…

The Bill Gates- and Rockefeller-backed United Nations “50 in 5” plan aims to digitize identity, currency, and everything else on the road to controlling…

UN Demeans Moms as “Unpaid Care Workers” in…

The United Nations is stepping up its war against family and especially motherhood by vowing to eliminate “unpaid care work” (mothering) and force moms…

UN “Master Plan for Humanity” Exposed – Alex…

The United Nations is peddling global totalitarian technocracy under the guise of its 2030 Agenda “Sustainable Development Goals” (SDGs), warned international journalist Alex Newman…

Why the U.S. Must Exit the United Nations…

“There are so many reasons why we ought to get out of the United Nations,” says Alex Newman, an investigative journalist who has been…

Indoctrinating Our Children to Death: Curtis Bowers &…

Curtis Bowers, the creator of the hit documentary Agenda, interviews Alex Newman about his new book, Indoctrinating Our Children to Death. Newman and Bowers…

The Great Taking: How Deep State Will Ensure…

A longtime investment banker named David Webb is exposing a global plot dubbed “The Great Taking” to steal stocks and other assets from Americans…

Alex Newman and Patrick Wood Break Down the…

We are in a war with globalist forces who have aligned themselves to eradicate free speech altogether, argues international journalist Alex Newman and founder…

WEF, WHO & UN All Target Your Health,…

The World Economic Forum has announced that “misinformation” is the NUMBER 1 threat to the world, but what they really mean is that truth…

Religion & Faith Take Center Stage At UN…

Alex NewmanJan 9, 2024

DUBAI — World religions and religious leaders will be crucial to achieving the goals of the United Nations and its member governments in what…

UN Goal to Destroy West with CO2 &…

Award-winning journalist Alex Newman, author of the popular book Deep State: The Invisible Government Behind The Scenes, is back from the recent so-called COP28 conference in…

The Feds Are Nabbing 30% of US Land,…

Andrew MullerDec 19, 2023

“Buy land,” Mark Twain suggested, “they’re not making it anymore.” This advice might become nearly impossible to follow come 2030 as the Biden administration…

Melting Narratives: Climate Change Kings Want to Subjugate…

Climate dignitaries are living large at the United Nations’ Conference of the Parties (COP28) climate summit as they prepare to further decimate Western economies…

Obama’s New Hollywood Movie Is Very Instructive: They Are…

Leo HohmannDec 12, 2023

The globalists believe it’s supremely important to utterly and very publicly destroy the United States of America. Not because America is some bastion of…

Sen. Coons Responds to Voters’ Climate Hesitancy, “We’ll…

The United Nations Conference of the Parties (COP28) Climate Summit continues in Dubai throughout the rest of the week. In addition to destroying America’s…

‘Climate’ Agenda to March on Regardless of Trump…

The “climate” policies being pursued by the Biden administration and congressional Democrats will continue “regardless” of whether Americans believe in the man-made global warming…

Technocracy: Critics Slam UN “Climate” Scientists’ Bid for…

Alex NewmanDec 11, 2023

DUBAI — Top leaders at the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) are seeking the power to prescribe “climate” policy at the…

COP28 Climate Summit Exposed: Alex Newman on InfoWars

Reporting on the ground from Dubai in the United Arab Emirates, international journalist Alex Newman covers the true agenda, with receipts, of what globalist…

Poor Nations Demand Climate Reparations From U.S. During…

The New American sent a team to the COP28 climate conference in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, where climate cultists are aggressively pushing destructive measures that…

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