Fifth Column in US More Dangerous Than China…

Alex NewmanMar 27, 2023

Is the fifth column waging war against America from within the United States more dangerous than Communist China and Russia? Will America survive this…

EXCLUSIVE: Criminal Complaint Filed Against Biden Family by…

Alex NewmanMar 25, 2023

A formal criminal complaint has been filed with the FBI against Joe Biden and various family for extensive corruption involving Ukraine by former White…

Trump Plan to Smash Deep State That Used…

Trump’s plan to bring down the Deep State that conspired to destroy him with Covid, and three extraordinary guests join Alex Newman on Liberty…

Majority of Criminals at J6 were Feds, reveals…

The majority of those who first breeched the U.S. Capitol at the mostly peaceful January 6 protest were actually feds, according to recent facial…

Silicon Valley Bank: Another Woke Democrat Cesspool

Chris WrightMar 13, 2023

By Chris Wright, 3/13/23 Dennis Prager likes to say the Left destroys everything it touches.  Now it’s destroying banking.  Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), the…

How Jackbooted Censors Get Up and Get Dressed

Chris WrightMar 10, 2023

By Chris Wright, 3/8/23 Yesterday, I described to you a number of government censorship schemes violating the First Amendment and called the government officials…

Biden Taps ANOTHER Trilateral Stooge, This One for…

Leo HohmannFeb 28, 2023

By Leo Hohmann, 2/24/23. The Biden administration has appointed Ajay Banga, a member of the globalist Trilateral Commission, to head up the World Bank.…

Former White House Stenographer: Biden is Actually EVIL

President Joe Biden is actually evil and is betraying his country to everyone from the Chinese Communists to the Ukrainians, warned former White House…

The China Threat

Chris WrightFeb 16, 2023

The Chinese spy balloon is a good reminder we cannot take our national security for granted.  Among the many threats we face is an…


Diane L. GruberFeb 13, 2023

Joe Biden invited as guests to his State of the Union speech four parents of black men who were allegedly wrongly killed by police.…

Biden signs onto ‘Declaration of North America (DNA)’…

Leo HohmannJan 19, 2023

Joe Biden met last week in Mexico City with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador for the 10th…

What the Biden “Scandal” Charade Portends for America

Christopher AdamoJan 17, 2023

As the seeming disasters for the Biden Cabal continue to unfold, revealing new security breaches and flagrant mishandling of classified documents that exceed any…

Follow the Money, All the Way to Beijing

Chris WrightJan 12, 2023

New details emerged about the House Oversight Committee’s new investigation into the Biden family’s business dealings for possible corruption.  The Committee chair James Comer…

Joe Biden Happily Set to Rejoin anti-Israel UNESCO…

Don AlltoadaJan 10, 2023

By Don Alltoada, January 11, 2023 The crusade against President Trump’s decisions still continues nearly three years after he left office. Last week, we…


Diane L. GruberDec 29, 2022

As Elon Musk releases more “Twitter Reveals” Americans find endless documentation that various government agencies, including the FBI & CISA, were UNCONSTITUTIONALLY colluding with…

The Human Traffickers of the Biden Administration

Chris WrightNov 28, 2022

House Republicans are expected to move to impeach DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas for failing to faithfully execute the nation’s immigration laws when they take…

The Biden Administration’s Proxy War on Free Speech

Chris WrightNov 4, 2022

By Chris Wright, 11/3/22 Hold on to your hats.  We’re going to be learning a lot more about the Biden administration’s efforts to silence…

Leftists/Democrats Glorying In Another Phony “Hate Crime”

By Christopher Adamo, 11/1/22 In October of 1998, Matthew Shepard was brutally attacked and left out in the elements in Laramie Wyoming, dying a…

The End Of Our Civilization Began Unnoticed, But…

Don AlltoadaOct 31, 2022

By Don Alltoada, 10/31/22 Sexuality is essential to life and is one of its greatest segments. It defines who we are and who we…

With its Woke Military, Can America Win a…

Frank De VaronaOct 27, 2022

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the results of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not…

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