Does God Have an Opinion on Education?

Does God have an opinion on education? If so, it would be good to know what it is. In a fantastic and bold book, prominent homeschooling author and speaker Israel Wayne explores precisely this — one of the most important questions of all time for parents, teachers and children. Spoiler alert: Yes, God does have […]

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LGBT Movement Has Jesus in the Crosshairs

How far will the gay movement go? Gay marriage, gay adoption, Christians forced to provide services for gay weddings, transgender bathrooms, sex-ed for kids, a panoply of gay characters on TV and in movies, perfectly groomed, impeccably dressed, charming, and reciting all the best lines. Why… it’s enough to make your kid wish he was

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The Pilgrim’s Progress: An AWESOME Movie for All Ages

We almost never go to the movies anymore, mostly because the filth Hollyweird puts out is nauseating and revolting. But The Pilgrim’s Progress by Revelation Media, which just hit theaters this weekend for a brief opening, was incredible. Whether you have children or not, you absolutely must go see it. The movie is based on

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Can You Trust Your Dentist? Not Necessarily …

Ever wondered whether you really need that $2,000 procedure that your dentist claims is so urgent? Your suspicions may be well-founded. According to this article in The Atlantic, which often publishes fake news but occasionally does worthwhile journalism, you should take your dentists’ demands with a gran of salt. In fact we here at The

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Pedophilia Being Taught As “Sexual Orientation” in California Schools

Government school officials in California think it is “really important” to teach children about pedophilia and pederasty in the classroom because it is a “sexual orientation.” That is according to a top official for California’s Brea Olinda School District, who admitted to parents that it was being done — and that it would continue, despite

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Deep State Nabs WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange – Ep. 1 (VIDEO)

In this very first episode of Behind the Deep State, international journalist Alex Newman discusses the arrest of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and what it all means. Clearly, Assange made a lot of enemies within the Deep State. After all, he was exposing many of their evil schemes. Now the Deep State is seeking revenge.

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TRUTH BOMBS: 65 Channels You Can Watch Right Now

Here are 65 of the most amazing channels on Youtube that will be better and more informative than just about anything you’ll find on traditional cable. If you’re looking for truth bombs to destroy the lies, check them out before the censors at Alphabet/Google/Youtube take them all down! Caveat Emptor: TLS does not necessarily endorse

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Twitter Boss Posts Crazy Lucifer-Themed Image

Twitter boss Jack Dorsey just posted a bizarre occult-themed image featuring the all-seeing eye, Baphomet, the pyramid, and all sorts of weird luciferian symbolism. The image, which comes from “Adult Swim” and links to an article from “hackernoon” about the “meaning of life,” is beyond weird. Could Jack be ignorant of the symbolism? Probably not.

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“Equality Act” Seeks Federal Persecution of Christians

Democrats in Congress are pushing “equality” legislation that critics say would criminalize Christianity, Islam, and Judaism by forcing virtually every institution in society — including religious institutions — to hire, serve, and promote homosexuals and individuals confused about their gender. A number of analysts have warned that by enshrining “sexual orientation” in the statute, even

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The Cost of Pseudo-Enlightenment: Libertarian Ideology at the Cross-roads

A movement (rightly) divided We are slouching towards a civil war. I’m not alluding to a civil war within the American body politic. Hopefully the release of the Muller report has set that particular doomsday clock back a few minutes, although I fear that inertia and the instinct for self-preservation are the primary forces holding

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Common Core Writer Blows Whistle on Illiteracy Crisis

One of the key people selected to write the Common Core reading standards is now blowing the whistle on the growing Common Core-induced crisis in literacy wreaking havoc across America. In an interview with Liberty Sentinel’s Alex Newman, Dr. Louisa Moats, an internationally renown reading expert, explained that the Common Core’s foundational literacy programs got

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New Holy Wars: Economic Religion vs. Environmental Religion

If environmentalism and much of the 20th century’s mainstream economic dogma can really be considered religions, then there are profound and far-reaching implications that must be acknowledged. In his book “The New Holy Wars: Economic Religion vs. Environmental Religion,” Robert Nelson makes a compelling case that not only should the two movements properly be characterized

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UN Funding Terror; Armed Mom Saves Child; Biden Busted? News of the Day

Interesting News of the Day: UN Busted Funding Terrorism Again Once again, the United Nations has been caught using American tax money to finance terrorist groups. This time, the Kenyan government is speaking out, warning that the UN has been making huge payments to the Islamist terror organization al-Shabaad in neighboring Somalia. Read more: United

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Did Anti-Trump Coup Plotters Commit Treason?

Speaking with the great Greg Hunter of USA Watchdog, journalist Alex Newman says the case against President Trump has proven to be an elaborate treasonous hoax and now is the time for consequences. Newman explains, “The time to prove this is finished. Everybody now knows this was a giant hoax. If this would have happened

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Public Schools EXPOSED by Alex Newman on Frances and Friends (VIDEO)

In this interview on the popular Christian TV show Frances and Friends, educator and author Alex Newman, founder and president of Liberty Sentinel Media, discusses the education book he co-wrote with Dr. Samuel Blumenfeld. The book is known as Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians Are Using Government Schools to Destroy America’s Children. It explains

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Rep. Adam Schiff Demands Vaccine Censorship

With his Russia-gate conspiracy theory debunked, House Intelligence Chairman Rep. Adam Schiff has turned his attention to demanding that Google, Facebook and Amazon stop carrying certain educational vaccine-related materials. People are now even being banned from “public places” for refusing vaccinations. Barbara Loe Fisher Barbara Loe Fisher of the National Vaccine Information Center responds to

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Green New Deal “Sustainability” Threatens Everything Good

California is the perfect example of what America will be reduced to if a proposed Green New Deal goes into action because in many respects it has already happened in the State. The middle-class in the State has been hollowed out as they are taxed in the billions to fund the ever mounting public employee

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WHY JOHNNY CAN’T THINK: Progressive Education’s Toll on Millennial Minds (VIDEO)

More than 50 years ago, Rudolf Flesch exposed John Dewey’s whole-word quackery with his earth-shattering book Why Johnny Can’t Read. The quackery resulted in a national reading crisis in which tens of millions of Americans were left handicapped for life through illiteracy. Now, conservative pundit Bill Whittle explains why Johnny Can’t Think. It’s a powerful

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11 Super-Electric Conservative Geniuses Who Will Blow Your Mind. You Won’t Believe #4

Forged in the acid rain of left-wing hate and built in the face of ten thousand hours of gaslit censorship. These rising stars of the new right are driving the conversation forward in ways never seen before. Unstoppable, determined and the in-crowd now, this talented crew won’t be giving up soon. The last couple of

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Is Trump a Patriot or a Globalist Stooge? (Video)

APPLETON, Wisconsin (VIDEO) In this wildly popular talk at the John Birch Society’s 60th Anniversary celebration, Liberty Sentinel Media President Alex Newman examines whether Trump is a true patriot fighting to Make America Great Again or a globalist stooge stabbing Americans in the back. Actions speak louder than words. And in Trump’s case, his actions

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War on Greenpeace Co-founder for Exposing Green Tyranny

When Greenpeace co-founder Patrick Moore left the organization he helped create and lead, it was because he knew the movement was becoming dangerous. And now, as if to prove his point, the establishment allied with Greenpeace is going all out to destroy Moore, slandering him and even de-listing him on Google as one of the

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Why We Must Prevent An Article V Constitutional Convention

Outside of the media spotlight, a quiet battle is raging on which the future of America’s constitutional republic depends. The battle in question is about whether states will force Congress to call a Constitutional Convention under Article V of the U.S. Constitution, or use other constitutional tools to rein in the out-of-control federal government. Unfortunately,

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To Slash Healthcare Costs, End Kickbacks, Doctors Say (Video)

Dr. Karladine Graves of the Coalition Against Kickbacks outlined a plan to simply and drastically slash healthcare costs in America while preventing a government takeover of the industry. The solution, she told Alex Newman at a Council for National Policy meeting in February, relies on getting rid of the “middle men” who drive up the

To Slash Healthcare Costs, End Kickbacks, Doctors Say (Video) Read More »

MARKETS: A Week in Life of Topsy-Turvy Wildly Whirling World

Let’s review this past devilishly whacky week to see if we can divine the way the world is turning and why the markets are churning. It was 2019’s worst week in stocks and, well, just about everything economic all across this crazily spinning planet. Volatility lifted its head back out of the water like Loch

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Charlotte Iserbyt DESTROYS Government Indoctrination Scam

Charlotte Iserbyt served as senior education advisor to the administration of Ronald Reagan. Then she found out what was really going on. In this decade-old video speech, which she considers one of her best ever, she exposes and destroys the Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, the COPS (Community Oriented Policing Services) program, and much more.

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