Mexican President Calls for EU-style North American Union

Alex NewmanMay 20, 2024

The United States, Mexico, and Canada should be united under a European Union-style transnational government, declared far-left Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador last…

How Christmas Split Time in Two While also…

Scott PowellDec 20, 2023

We are at a crisis inflection point in our present and future. And while evil encircles us on every side and at every level,…

Predictive Programming: Big-Budget Hollywood Movie ‘Civil War’ –…

Leo HohmannDec 14, 2023

Following the Obama-produced release last week of the movie Leave the World Behind, about the collapse of America following a catastrophic cyber attack that shuts…

To Know and Defeat Evil, America Must Know…

America has drifted away from its foundation. There is no doubt about that. How do we return to our roots as a nation? We…

Do or Die: Retaking US From ‘Corrupt Elites’…

As the nation enters a period of growing crisis on multiple fronts, it has never been more important for courageous Americans to retake the…

Understanding the Enormity of Matt Gaetz’s Speakership Rebellion

Christopher AdamoOct 17, 2023

It is a sad irony that such a major sector of America loudly decries the appalling corruption and rampant mutual back-scratching so typical of…

Speak Out and Your Career is Over

Karen SchoenAug 7, 2023

If schools taught reading writing and math we wouldn’t need Affirmative Action. It is much easier to yell race as an excuse for students…

Latest Phony Indictment Proves 2020 Election Was Stolen

That, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.–Declaration of Independence, July 4,…

BOOM! The TRUE Christian History of America, Exposing…

America’s incredible Christian heritage is critical to understanding the nation and its success, but it has been carefully concealed from several generations by government…

Border Flood: How Did We Get to This…

Chris WrightMay 15, 2023

By Chris Wright, 5/12/23 The end of Title 42 COVID restrictions today is expected to bring a flood of illegal aliens trying to cross…

Historic “First Landing” Event Will Rededicate America To…

A historic event to re-dedicate the United States to God and remind God of the covenant formed by the first English Christian settlers is…

Recognizing the Modern Winds of War

Christopher AdamoApr 14, 2023

By Christopher Adamo, 4/3/23 During this past week, a litany of atrocities were visited on America. In Tennessee, a deranged young woman armed herself,…

Lessons for America From South Africa + There…

Even as South Africa collapses and implodes amid communism and corruption, there are lessons for America, and there IS hope! Those are the messages…

Boom: Trilateral Commission Declares “2023 is Year One…

Patrick WoodMar 18, 2023

By Patrick Wood, March 17, 2023 The Trilateral Commission’s 50th anniversary marks the culmination of its self-proclaimed “New International Economic Order”.  On March 12,…

The TRUTH About “Separation of Church & State”…

America needs to REPENT or the nation is in BIG trouble, says American Pastors Network founder and broadcaster Sam Rohrer in this episode of…