Charlotte Iserbyt Exposes Destruction of US through “School”

America is being destroyed by government schools corrupting and dumbing down the nation’s children, warned former senior policy advisor at Ronald Reagan’s U.S. Department of Education Charlotte Iserbyt. In an exclusive interview with Alex Newman, Iserbyt explained how anti-American elites hijacked education to crush America and liberty. Iserbyt, whose father and grandfather were members of […]

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What Does God Say About Race and Racism?

The world is now consumed by obsession with racism, race, Black Lives Matter, and related hysteria. Unfortunately, this obsession has infiltrated some churches, especially in the United States. From a biblical perspective, it is an absolute tragedy to see churches and pastors echoing the lies of Satan and the world. What does the Bible say

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The Globalist Report- The Deep State’s Weaponized Science

We are going through a revolution that has been building for decades. Tax-payer funded mind-control, government, and secret societies have helped pave the way. Join us as we name names and put a face to the players behind the Deep State. Always watch the episode’s live here to participate in the chat. We launch LIBERTY

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America at War with Godless Marxists – Alex Newman

Journalist Alex Newman says the so-called protests around the country are really well funded riots and attacks on the foundation of America.  It’s as much about thought shaping as doing damage and wreaking havoc.  Newman says, “What we are seeing here is a well-orchestrated and engineered psyop. . . . It’s a psyop of massive

America at War with Godless Marxists – Alex Newman Read More »

Otherworldly Powers of Darkness, Cults, and Sexual Deviancy in Politics

Citizens for Free Speech is drawing attention to Big Tech censorship of a group of medical experts called America’s Frontline Doctors. But it’s really not the advocacy of hydroxychloroquine by Dr. Stella Immanuel that is the big controversy. She is under attack by the Washington Post and other papers for stating her belief that there

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The Corporate Marxist Riots and “Great Reset” of America

*Join us weekly as we discuss the issues that really matter to Americans and the global agenda that affects all of us. *All new episodes will automatically post here to Liberty Sentinel, so you no longer have to catch the episode live or pay YouTube. If you want to help Liberty Sentinel start Liberty Week

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Democrats Are Preparing the (Coup) Battlespace

Going back as far as Sun Tzu’s The Art of War – circa 500 B.C. – military and political strategists have recognized the value of intelligence and propaganda in preparing for battle – and indispensable for that, preparing the field on which the battle will take place in order to maximize the odds of victory. The “field of battle,”

Democrats Are Preparing the (Coup) Battlespace Read More »

Anti-Christian Sorcerer Receives Award From Pompeo

Shock. It is the only word that can be used to describe the behavior of the U.S. State Department, commanded by a conservative evangelical, awarding a Brazilian radical left-wing sorcerer who has fought conservative evangelicals in Brazil. The administration of President Donald Trump held the largest religious freedom event in the world in 2019: the

Anti-Christian Sorcerer Receives Award From Pompeo Read More »

Democrats Plan to Steal 2020 Election

The Democrat Party and its allies are planning to steal the 2020 election, and if they are not stopped, they will succeed. Eric Eggers wrote the book, Fraud: How the Left Plans to Steal the Next Election in 2018. Amazon described this book as follows: “From the investigative team that produced Clinton Cash, Fraud busts open the ballot

Democrats Plan to Steal 2020 Election Read More »

America’s Amazing Christian Heritage & Liberty

America has an incredible heritage that made it the envy of the world, but it is being erased. The fervent Christian faith of the American people produced the freest nation in history. And this Christian liberty produced the most prosperous society in human history. In this hard-hitting speech at Camp Constitution, titled Overview of America,

America’s Amazing Christian Heritage & Liberty Read More »

Big Tech Censorship & Election Meddling Threaten Republic

“Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” – Lord Acton On July 29, 2020, the CEOs Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, Apple’s Tim Cook, and Google’s Sundar Pichai were called to testify before the House of Representatives Judiciary Antitrust Subcommittee regarding their excessive power and censorship. Representative Matt Gaetz from Florida accused Google CEO

Big Tech Censorship & Election Meddling Threaten Republic Read More »

UTN With Alex Newman- Tonight 7/29 9pm EST

What is Unraveling the Narrative (UTN)? During this corporate fueled revolution, cable news has turned into political propaganda, or worse, psychological warfare. It no longer aims to inform its viewers of news, current events, or even ask follow-up questions. By accident, or by proxy, the media is fomenting a civil war to distract from the

UTN With Alex Newman- Tonight 7/29 9pm EST Read More »

E Michael Jones Banned

BANNED EXCLUSIVE! E Michael Jones Uncensored

Logos is rising, but the Marxists are looking to hijack our faith-based, Constitutional revolution and turn America into a communist nightmare. We no longer have the luxury of supporting the free speech we find palatable, while shunning speech we find shocking or offensive. Free speech is God-given and absolute. Christian activists like Dr. E Michael

BANNED EXCLUSIVE! E Michael Jones Uncensored Read More »

7 Things You Can’t Say On Social Media

Today’s restrictions on Internet speech make the FCC’s Carlin-era swear jar seem quaint. WARNING: This article contains adult language that may not be suitable for younger readers. Reader discretion is advised. Plenty of people say plenty of preposterous things online using Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, iTunes, etc. without being silenced or even bleeped out: But yet, while

7 Things You Can’t Say On Social Media Read More »

UTN Network

LIVE TONIGHT: Should Kids Go Back to School?

INDEPENDENCE: We have not formally launched the new Liberty Sentinel media show, but there are still some very important questions people may have. Alex Newman and I both want to support parents, continue telling the truth, and bringing you meaningful, hard-hitting information that can shift, or crumble, narratives while we build the platform. Every week,

LIVE TONIGHT: Should Kids Go Back to School? Read More »

Rescue our Children NOW

Rescue OUR Children NOW

There is always room to debate political ideologies, but children across America are suffering right now, and they cannot wait for the next election. They need immediate action, or the damage could be irreparable. Children are being left behind educationally, spiritually, and socially, and it will remain that way until the adults take back their

Rescue OUR Children NOW Read More »

Can the U.S. Legally Execute These Men After a 17-Year Hiatus?

How Politics May Have Doomed AG Barr’s Attempt to Depoliticize the Death Penalty TERRE HAUTE, INDIANA (FREEMARTYG)–U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr faces at least 1 significant obstacle in resurrecting the federal death penalty: The federal government hasn’t executed anyone since 2003, until Tuesday. Thus, Barr is trying to execute some prisoners who lingered on death

Can the U.S. Legally Execute These Men After a 17-Year Hiatus? Read More »

Scientist Exposes Face Mask Pseudo-Science

The CDC and Communist Chinese-controlled UN World Health Organization recently did an unexpected 180-degree turn. They went from not recommending that healthy people wear masks outside of health care settings, to effectively recommending that they do.  More than a few scientists and medical professionals were surprised at the reversal, as the original no-face mask policy

Scientist Exposes Face Mask Pseudo-Science Read More »

Corrupt Judge Convicted of Selling Children Seeks Early Release

Is the Justice Department Showering Favors on a Man Who Drove Kids to Suicide? While millions of Americans are struggling and over 100,000 have died, the coronavirus pandemic has proved a windfall for Michael Conahan, a corrupt former Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, judge theoretically serving a 17.5-year federal-prison sentence for his role in the kids-for-cash scandal.

Corrupt Judge Convicted of Selling Children Seeks Early Release Read More »

Remembering The Anti-Christian French Revolution

14 July is celebrated in France as Bastille Day. It commemorates the storming of the Bastille and the launch of The French Revolution. A Time of TurmoilThe French Revolution was one of the most influential events of modern history. The ten-year period from 1789 to 1799 when France went from a Monarchy to a Republic, to

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Hillary Isn’t Locked Up, So Vote #NotSessions in GOP Primary

Man Who Fought to Save Girl from Gov’t Endorses #NotSessions What’s the difference between Jeff Sessions and Stormy Daniels? Answer: Sessions really did screw the president. And now—after Sessions cowered in the face of a thinly-veiled coup attempt—he hasn’t recused himself from the race for his old U.S. senate seat. This time it would be

Hillary Isn’t Locked Up, So Vote #NotSessions in GOP Primary Read More »

Unraveling the Narrative with Alex Newman and Sean Jackson


July 8, 2020- TONIGHT we begin a new chapter of Liberty Sentinel, and we need your help. Things are changing too fast. Our Constitution is being destroyed. Our Bill of Rights is being “edited”. The mainstream media is intentionally, or ignorantly, fanning the flames of racial division, and those flames are intended to destroy the

UNRAVELING THE NARRATIVE with Alex Newman & Sean Jackson- JOIN US FOR LIBERTY Read More »

On July 4, Trump Blames Public Schools for US Decline

President Donald Trump blamed the anti-American indoctrination of children in government schools for the rapid decline of the nation. The goal is to eliminate America, he explained. Speaking at Mount Rushmore on Independence Day, Trump said the goal was to wipe away the American people’s memory and understanding of who they are, for the ultimate

On July 4, Trump Blames Public Schools for US Decline Read More »

We Need YOU

It’s Independence Day- What Does Freedom Mean in 2020?

July 4, 2020- It is the 4th of July, the day we celebrate our independence from tyrants, oligarchs, monarchs, and communism. It is a day to recognize that we should strive for independence, equality under the law, and freedom for all. While we do not always live up to those ideals, we recognize that we

It’s Independence Day- What Does Freedom Mean in 2020? Read More »

EXPOSED: Deep State Behind The Deep State

The Deep State Behind the Deep State, which is working to impose a New World Order on humanity, is using education, the coronavirus, the riots, and much more. That’s according to Liberty Sentinel chief Alex Newman in a new presentation webinar for the Red-Green Axis exposed, a patriotic group of Americans based mostly around Cleveland.

EXPOSED: Deep State Behind The Deep State Read More »

US Embassy in Moscow Defiantly Celebrates LGBT “Pride”

To mark LGBT “Pride” Month, the US Embassy in Russia defiantly and prominently displayed the flag of the homosexual movement outside its building on June 2020 and posted a message written in Russian on its Instagram saying: “Today, the US Embassy in Russia honors the LGBTI Pride Flag during the #PrideFlagDay celebration.” It was a

US Embassy in Moscow Defiantly Celebrates LGBT “Pride” Read More »

Memo to Dems: Life is Normal in Sweden Despite COVID

While the fake media and the Democrat establishment work to panic Americans about coronavirus, life goes on completely as normal in Sweden. There are no masks, no hysteria, no social distancing, no lockdown, no restaurants closed–none of the idiocy being seen in America. And surprise: The sky is NOT falling! Watch this video of a

Memo to Dems: Life is Normal in Sweden Despite COVID Read More »

Unraveling the Narrative


July 1, 2020– Fear sells. Controversy sells. And right now, division sells. The greatest weapon in the oligarch’s arsenal is the television. COVID-19 lockdowns have us right where the “social controllers” want us. We are forced home, running out of money, increasingly dependent on the government, and stuck watching whatever fear porn that shows up


Riots to Distract from #Obamagate?

Is the Obama network using riots to distract from the massive Obamagate scandal? Are conservatives falling into the trap? It sure seems like it! In the 1962 musical-comedy, The Music Man, grifter Harold Hill cons an entire Iowa town by whipping up a false crisis (the moral decline of its young men) and championing a

Riots to Distract from #Obamagate? Read More »

Racist “1619 Project” Lies About US With Deadly Poison

Racist New York Times reporter Nikole Hanna-Jones wrote the 1619 Project and was given a Pulitzer prize for her unbalanced distortion of American History. On June 25, 2020, the Federalist website reported that when Nikole Hanna-Jones was a student at the University of Notre Dame in 1995 she wrote an article titled “Modern Savagery” in which she accused the

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