Exposing the Criminal Deep State Behind the Deep State

The criminal Deep State that President Donald Trump talks about is very real. And the rabbit hole goes deep. Find out how deep in the explosive presentation below. On the surface, the Deep State is composed of the federal bureaucracies, the top-level bureaucrats in the Senior Executive Service (SES) who run them, and the out-of-control […]

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Exposing Government Schools All Over National Radio

In a series of two interviews on the national radio show Talkback with the great Chuck Wilder of CRN Digital Talk Radio, educator and author Alex Newman urged parents to rescue their children from government schools as if their lives depended on it. The two-part interview exposed the indoctrination, the dumbing down, and the sexualization

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Rescuing Our Children From Indoctrination

In this video interview on the David Knight Show of Infowars, international journalist and educator Alex Newman explains the urgent need to rescue your children from government indoctrination and deliberate dumbing down. If Americans continue to allow the UN and the feds to brainwash the overwhelming majority of U.S. children, it’s all over for freedom

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South Africa: Drop Dead Important Historical Facts

With all the lies and misinformation about South Africa being spread by communists, globalists, and the ignorant, it is important to set the historical record straight. What follows are some indisputable facts about South African history that are being hidden to justify the evil agenda now being unleashed. ■ When the Dutch settled the Cape

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America Under SIEGE with Agenda 2030, Globalism & Socialism

America is under siege by globalists, socialists, and Islamists united in a quest to destroy Western Christian civilization, argues Alex Newman with Liberty Sentinel Media, Inc, and The New American magazine. The goal is to build what globalist Deep State operatives often refer to as a “New World Order.” Speaking to Worldview Weekend TV (WVWTV)

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Trump Picks Climate Realist to Debunk Warming Alarmism

The Trump administration has appointed renowned physicist Dr. William Happer of Princeton University, a well-known critic of the man-made global-warming hypothesis, to lead the Presidential Committee on Climate Security. Based on leaked documents, it appears that Happer will spearhead an effort to rein in the United Nations-backed climate alarmism that has infected so many federal

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Horror in South Africa May be Sneak Preview of America’s Future

South Africa’s descent into chaos, violence, and tyranny offers a sneak preview of what may be coming to America and the rest of the Western world if current trends continue, explained Liberty Sentinel Media CEO Alex Newman and South African historian Dr. Harry Booyens. Speaking during the February 26 episode of the national Connecting the

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Americans Can Learn A Lot From Switzerland

ZURICH — No nation is perfect. And of course, Switzerland is no exception – it has plenty of flaws. But there’s a good reason why America’s Founding Fathers once looked to the tiny alpine nation for inspiration while laying the foundations of constitutional government in the New World. The Swiss model works – it keeps

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UN Helped Socialist Regime Disarm Civilians in Venezuela

As the people of Venezuela suffer helplessly under a brutal socialist dictatorship that slaughters and tortures dissidents, it is important to remember that it was the United Nations that helped dictator Hugo Chavez disarm law-abiding civilians. This happened back in 2012, but virtually none of the establishment media reported it. However, The New American magazine

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Is SPLC a Civil Rights Group, or a Hateful Smear Machine?

UPDATE: SPLC is in a major scandal as its top execs get fired or resign due to accusations of racism, sexism, etc. The organization is imploding amid a deluge of lawsuits. Some are speculating that the SPLC war chest could end up in the hands of conservatives and Christians libeled by the group. Watch this

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China’s Growing Spy Threat

The Chinese government’s ‘vacuum cleaner’ approach to espionage is worrying foreign governments, companies and overseas dissidents. They’re right to be concerned. Beijing fiercely denies it. Much of the world ignores it. But according to analysts and officials, the communist-controlled People’s Republic of China operates the single largest intelligence-gathering apparatus in the world—and its growing appetite

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FDA Boss to States: Eliminate Vaccine Exemptions, or Else

Unable to convince Americans to fully trust vaccines with endless marketing propaganda and even government mandates, Food and Drug Administration boss Scott Gottlieb (shown) is now threatening to use federal force. Indeed, in bizarre comments made to national media, the senior health bureaucrat threatened that growing nationwide resistance to vaccination mandates may “force the hand

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