NJ Christians Resist LGBT Indoctrination in Government Schools

Faced with a new statute mandating LGBT indoctrination of all children in public schools, Christians from across New Jersey and beyond came together in Flemington under the banner: “Protect Your Children.” At the event, concerned parents, lawmakers, educators, school board members, political candidates, pro-family leaders, students, and others vowed to continue resisting the increasingly brazen […]

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American Airlines: Money for Hate, Not Customers

American Airlines has plenty of money to fund extreme groups promoting homosexuality and gender confusion to children, but it apparently does not have the funds to keep its planes running properly or to give customers refunds after really dropping the ball. The NAACP almost called for a boycott a few years ago, although for other

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YouTube Censorship: Even Exact Title Can’t Find Video!

How bad is Youtube’s censorship? Well, it is so bad that even putting in the exact title of a video will not bring it up. Consider a few examples: In late 2018, Alex Newman interviewed former United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change sea-level reviewer Nils-Axel Morner, a prestigious Swedish scientist selected by the UN

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Top 38 Reasons Why America is in Peril

It’s not necessary to go into great detail regarding the tremendous problems facing America. The issues confronting our world today seem overwhelming. The following is a list of issues – all of them are significant and any one of them could lead to catastrophic results. 1. COLLECTIVISM in all its forms including communism, fascism, socialism,

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The Truth About the Kurds, Obama and Trump

The Next Ilhan Omar Could Be a Kurd! In response to one of the predictable and common “Trump Betrays the Kurds” pro-impeachment stories, a reader of the libertarian Reason magazine noted, “They are Marxist guerrillas who want to establish an independent socialist state in their ancestral lands. They’ve been fighting for that goal for half

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UN Wants America Disarmed, NRA CEO LaPierre Tells TLS

GAINESVILLE – The United Nations wants to disarm Americans and centralize control of all firearms in the hands of the UN and its member governments, National Rifle Association (NRA) CEO and Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre told The Liberty Sentinel. “The U.N.’s philosophy is that governments should have guns and individuals shouldn’t,” he explained. “They

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Marie Julie Jahenny: The Three Days Of Darkness

Guest post by Eric Gajewski of TradCatKnight.org. First of all thank you to Alex Newman for his continual great work in regards to exposing all the various agendas of the New World Order. For those who are not aware he joins me monthly at tradcatknight.org to help break down all the latest current events which

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From Roosevelt to Wilson: America’s Internationalism

America is a strange thing in history. While other European powers practiced imperialism openly, America did so quietly and with a sense of faux moral restraint. All while post-civil war America would serve as the symbol that stood above the petty, backward, and unenlightened affairs of Europe, it still ironically held the same goals that

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Islamic Terrorist Kills 4 Cops INSIDE French Anti-Terror HQ

An Islamic terrorist slaughtered four French police officers in the heart of France’s anti-terrorism headquarters last week, using nothing but a foot-long knife. The seriousness and implications are hard to overstate, analysts said. The killer, who had a top-secret clearance, literally infiltrated the very French unit charged with tracking Islamist terrorists in France. Somehow, he

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Indian Al Qaeda Boss Killed, Highlighting Growing Problem

Al Qaeda on the Indian Subcontinent (AQIS) chief Asim Umar was killed in an air strike in Afghanistan that was announced this week, shining the light on the Islamic terror group’s rapid expansion across the region. An expert in the field, journalist and counter-terrorism scholar J.M. Phelps, told The Liberty Sentinel that the death highlights

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Nearly 300 Years Ago, Jury Nullification Saved Press Freedom

On August 5, 1735, twelve jurors deliberated on the fate of a German immigrant in a trial that would make legal history, and, indeed, American history. The story starts almost four years before when in early August, 1731, one of greediest and meanest political figures in American history, William Cosby arrived on the shores of

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UK Court: Belief in Bible “Incompatible With Human Dignity”

In another sign that Britain has officially entered a post-Christian age of barbarism, a judge in the United Kingdom just ruled that belief in the Bible is “incompatible with human dignity.” In reality, the only reason that “human dignity” exists is because God–the author of the Bible–made man in His image. Without God, there can

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Communist Roots of Government Education Exposed

Liberty Sentinel founder Alex Newman is doing a series on education for the Epoch Times, America’s fastest-growing newspaper. In the first segment, he highlights the role of Robert Owen, a pre-Marx communist who created a (failed) commune based on communism in Indiana and inspired the Prussian dictatorship to create government schools. Read part of the

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“Give Your Life to Christ:” Brother of Murder Victim Forgives Killer

The brother of murder victim Botham Jean publicly forgave the killer, former Dallas police officer Amber Guyger, and urged her to give her life to Christ. The judge, meanwhile, gave Guyger a Bible and urged her to read John 3:16. In a tear-jerking moment in the Texas court room, Botham Jean’s brother, Brandt Jean, said

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Communist Flag Flies at City Hall in Boston

The flag of the most murderous dictatorship in human history was raised at City Hall in Boston on Sunday, September 29, sparking protests by victims and family members of those persecuted by the brutal regime. The spectacle provided further evidence that Boston, once known as the Cradle of Liberty, had become a “Cradle of Tyranny,”

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PROOF Deep State is Lying About Trump’s Call to Push Impeachment

The establishment is determined to take out President Donald Trump, but it is not because of the phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. In fact, the transcript proves Trump is not only innocent, but was doing the right thing–trying to expose deep corruption involving the Biden crime family and the former Ukrainian regime. The

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“Fake” Communist Chinese Cops Busted …. in California!

California Highway Patrol officers arrested an Asian man driving a car marked with Communist Chinese political police insignia, sparking fears that Beijing’s brutal gestapo may be operating on U.S. soil. The discovery of the supposed Communist Party of China’s People’s Armed Police (PAP) vehicle escalated concerns that the mass-murdering dictatorship may be taking its overseas

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Big Tech Joins UN to Censor “Extremism” Online

Speaking at the United Nations headquarters in New York City, Big Tech bigwigs including the leaders of Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Youtube, Twitter and more announced a global “partnership” with governments and the UN to censor the Internet and purge “extreme” content. According to the announcement, the left-wing Internet giants vowed to hire permanent staff to

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Dumbing Down America: Newman Tells All on American Thought Leaders

ST. LOUIS — American children are being deliberately dumbed down by government schools created to transform them from independent-minded Christians who love freedom into collectivists and humanists, Liberty Sentinel chief Alex Newman told the Epoch Times‘ program American Thought Leaders. In the interview, Newman describes the findings from the book Crimes of the Educators: How

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Mother Miriam Urges Parents to Rescue Children from Public School

Prominent Catholic talk show host Mother Miriam read parts of The New American magazine’s Special Report “Rescuing Our Children” on her enormously popular show. The respected Catholic nun warned that the sidelining of parents in the raising of children was a satanic plot. “God created the family, not a village, to raise children,” she said.

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UN Demands “Green Nudges” in Video Games to Manipulate Gamers

Dictators Club successfully conscripts video-game CEOs to join war against freedom, prosperity The United Nations announced this week that it has conscripted almost two dozen of the world’s top video-game companies in the war against individual liberty, economic prosperity, and self-government masquerading as a fight against “climate change.” Consumers will be the useful idiots. In

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UN: Save World By Snitching on People From Sofa

The United Nations has a program for lazy people to help “save the world” from the comfort of their own couch. And one of its top recommendations is that the lazy snitch on thought criminals they disagree with on the Internet. Seriously. On its “Sustainable Development Goals” page, the UN has a post headlined The

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Florida Considers Bill to Nullify Roe v Wade & Stop Abortion

TALLAHASSEE — Florida lawmakers will be considering a bill that would nullify the U.S. Supreme Court’s unconstitutional Roe v. Wade opinion by criminalizing the murder of unborn children after a heartbeat is detected. In an interview, Representative Mike Hill (R-Pensacola) said it was the duty of state governments to step in and protect the God-given

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WATCH: Using “Animal Rights” to Attack God-Given Rights

People’s innate love for animals is being abused and weaponized by extremists seeking to undermine agriculture and freedom, according to a leading expert in the field. In this interview with the Liberty Sentinel from the Red Pill Expo, Cavalry Group President Mindy Patterson exposes the dark side of the so-called “animal rights” movement. The real

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Public School Can’t be Reformed, Newman Tells Eagle Council

ST. LOUIS — Parents must get their children out of government schools as quickly as possible, and pastors should encourage them and help them to do it, Liberty Sentinel chief Alex Newman told hundreds of “Eagles” during his keynote address at the 2019 Phyllis Schlafly Eagle Council in St. Louis this weekend. The crowd —

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Soros Funds Globalist Alliance of Religions to Usher in New World Order

Self-proclaimed “god” and atheist George Soros–a crooked billionaire infamous for helping the Nazis steal property from Jews–is funding a coalition of religious leaders to promote the New World Order under the guise of religion. Dubbed the “Religions for Peace,” the radical group just met in Germany for its 10th conference to sign a declaration demanding

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Nine Reasons for not Using Public Schools

Public schools (or as some like to say, government schools) have come upon hard times in the past several years. One would be hard-pressed to find a community where the public-school system is not having serious problems. While gun-shootings get the most coverage, understandably, there are many, many other problems plaguing the 150-year-old experiment of

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Globalists May Try to Crash Economy to Get Trump

Journalist Alex Newman says President Trump is at war with the Deep State, New World Order globalists that want to destroy America. Are the forces of good making headway against the forces of evil? Newman explains, “I think we are. I think the election of Donald Trump shows how much headway we have made in

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Phony “Collapse” of Communism Exposed – Behind The Deep State

Did freedom win and communism die with the fall of the Soviet Union? It’s more complicated than that….. Much more complicated. In this episode of Behind the Deep State, host Alex Newman shines light on the phony “collapse” of the Soviet Union and communist tyranny in Eastern Europe. More importantly, perhaps, Alex exposes subversive forces

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UN Agenda 2030: “Master Plan for Humanity” – Behind the Deep State

In this episode of Behind The Deep State, host Alex Newman exposes the disgusting United Nations Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). Described by UN leaders as the “master plan for humanity” and the “next great leap forward” (CREEPY!), this planetary program involves the total surrender of individual liberty and Western Christian civilization in

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