Media Lying About ‘Second Wave’

For months, the Washington Post and the rest of the mainstream media kept a morbid Covid-19 “death count” on their front pages and at the top of their news broadcasts. The coronavirus outbreak was all about the number of dead. The narrative was intended to boost governors like Cuomo in New York and Whitmer in […]

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India BANS TikTok as Part of Chinese Communist Party

June 29th, 2020- Today, the Indian government took strong steps to curb the Chinese Communist Party’s creeping influence and growing economic presence in their country. India banned over 60 apps from China, including the viral TikTok app, denying CCP controlled companies access to 1.3 billion potential Indian customers. This comes after Indian and Chinese forces

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The Purity of Averroes’ Common Intellect Vs. Today’s Tyrannical Globalist Imitation

No truth without one intellect in common Contrary to the radical relativism, individualism, and tribalism of today, the best minds of the past taught that there was a single intellect common to every member of the human race.  This is not to say that humans share their consciousness or will, positions held by some today,

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Understanding the Psychological Warfare Being Used Against Us

Undermining an Enemy’s Will to ResistPsychological warfare involves tactics intended to manipulate one’s opponents, or enemies. This includes the dissemination of propaganda and disinformation to undermine the morale of enemy forces and erode their ability to resist. PsywarIn the military terms like ‘psywar’ (psychological warfare), or ‘psyops’ (psychological operations), have also been known as ‘winning hearts and minds’, political warfare

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July 25,2020– Apple pushed a new bombshell update to IPhone users this week that raises large questions about health laws and government tracking. The update includes an Apple platform for COVID-19 tracking apps to be installed on a users phone, and you do not have a chance to opt out or delete this new platform.


Pedo Epstein Celebrates “Gay Pride” from Grave

Jeffrey Epstein’s deep and dark secret is out. He was a gay deceiver. Let’s remember this fact on Stonewall Day, June 26, as Barack Hussein Obama emerges from the shadows to celebrate the anti-police riots at the Mafia-run Stonewall Inn back in 1969.      The latest and best Jeffrey Epstein book, A Convenient Death, by Alana Goodman and Daniel

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Green New Deal Now Real Threat

For more than 30 years I’ve been awarded tinfoil hats and labeled a conspiracy theorist and hate monger because I had been able to read between the lines of the UN’s Agenda 21 and its plan for restructuring our society. I issued warnings that even the established Washington, DC-based Conservative movement ignored. Then, last year

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2020 Economic Predictions: Unfortunate Events Guarantee “Epocalypse”

The troubles listed here in my 2020 economic predictions are so severe and so likely to get even worse that it’s more difficult to imagine they won’t get worse than to believe they will. Just a few of these misfortunes would be enough to plunge us into an abyss of social and financial catastrophes. Here are my economic predictions

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Poles Launch #ChristiansForUSA Campaign

Evangelical Christians in Poland launched the #ChristiansForUSA campaign to publicly support the United States and President Trump amid the coordinated assault on both. The goal is to preserve Christian civilization. The organization, known as Go Against The Tide TV, works to spread the Gospel and liberty in Poland and beyond. “As Free World, especially the

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Democrat Party Should be Dismantled Over History of Slavery, Racism

With mobs of indoctrinated young people now targeting America’s Founding Fathers and even the foundations of the nation under the guise of tearing down “racism,” a much more logical place to start would be dismantling the Democratic Party. The party’s shameful history is literally filled with vicious racism, violence and oppression of black Americans. It

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Federal Reserve Gets Desperate as Depression Looms

If America hopes to avoid another Great Depression of epic proportions, the Federal Reserve must be audited and phased out, warns former Congressman Ron Paul. In a sign that the Federal Reserve is growing increasingly desperate to jump-start the economy, the Fed’s Secondary Market Credit Facility has begun purchasing individual corporate bonds. The Secondary Market

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Amazon BANS Christian Books While Marxist Purge Continues

Amazon attempts to flush Culture Wars’ Founder E. Michael Jones down its “digital memory hole” today. “I may not agree with what you say, but I will forever defend your right to say it”. This was the motto of genuine liberals for decades. Most liberals used to argue for equality, fairness, and all debate in

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Tax-funded Fake News Weaponized Against Lone Conservative Professor

A tax-funded college newspaper is under fire after launching a dishonest attack on the University of Wisconsin’s most prominent conservative professor, Dr. Duke Pesta, without adhering to even the most basic recognized standards of journalistic ethics. The scandal raises serious concerns about the quality of the university’s journalism department, and the institution’s stewardship of public

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Deep State Plan Behind Coronavirus & Floyd Riots

Did you hear the one about how they found the cure for COVID? It’s a riot! So jokes Liberty Sentinel editor Alex Newman in this speech at the “Villagers for Trump” meeting in The Villages, Florida, which has one of the most active and well-attended Trump clubs. In this hit talk, which was given twice

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UC Berkeley Professor DESTROYS Black Lives Matter Lies

Writing anonymously for fear of losing his or her job, a history professor at the University of California, Berkeley, released a scathing open letter that absolutely demolishes the entire Black Lives Matter narrative. In fact, the professor–who says he or she is a “person of color”–makes an irrefutable case that the establishment-pushed narrative is inherently

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UN Staff Allowed to Protest America on U.S. Soil

Socialist United Nations boss Antonio Guterres said foreign UN workers on U.S. soil would be allowed to protest against police and alleged “racism” in America, allowing agents of hostile foreign regimes with diplomatic immunity to meddle in American politics. This is in flagrant violation of the UN’s own policies outlining the rights and duties of

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Senator Blasts Woke Mob Alliance With Democrats

U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) spoke on the Senate Floor calling out the alliance of Democrats and the “woke” mob for their attempts to divide Americans. In the speech, Senator Hawley said that instead of uniting on the cause of justice for George Floyd and building on shared history and struggles, the radical left has

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Exploiting Floyd’s Death to Nationalize and Globalize Police

In this interview on the nationally syndicated Christian radio show World View Weekend with Brannon Howse, Liberty Sentinel chief Alex Newman explains how Deep State operatives and their useful idiots are exploiting the death of George Floyd to nationalize and globalize American police. Quoting from top UN officials about the agenda, Newman argues that one

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Deep Dark Secrets of the Rich, Famous & Powerful

What I find interesting about the spurt of Jeffrey Epstein shows and programs over the last few weeks is the failure to expose his high-level connections in really high society. We learn some old news, such as that Bill Clinton and Donald J. Trump were once considered his friends. But holding Clinton responsible for his associations with Epstein may not be possible anymore, with

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UN: A Tool to Destabilize Nations & Usher in World Control

Journalist Alex Newman joins Sarah Westall’s program to share his over decade long research into the United Nations. He shares a horrifying view of the organization that is very different than the carefully crafted illusion they work to maintain. Evidence shows, which he will share, that this organization is anything but a peaceful force of

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Archbishop to Trump: Stop the Satanic Deep State

Editor’s note: This incredibly insightful letter to President Donald Trump by a Catholic archbishop should be read by everyone. It explains how the Deep State is waging war on America and liberty to create a satanic New World Order. Coronavirus, the George Floyd riots, the fake news media, and more are all simply tools of

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Floyd Chaos: Deep State “Revolution” Against America

The Communist and racialist revolutionaries in the streets are merely the useful idiots, paid by evil billionaires such as George Soros and indoctrinated into hating their nation and their freedom by government schools and fake news. Behind them is the Deep State, a diabolical cabal that intends to enslave every surviving man, woman, and child

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COVID and Roundup: an Immuno-compromised Marriage in Hell

If you can contract Covid-19 more than once, can someone please tell me what good a vaccine is going to do? Anyone can see the war is on.  A crucial weapon in the attack is Roundup (glyphosate), a widely used herbicide that’s being used for something for which there was never any long-term safety-testing: the forced ripening of crops, called desiccation. This practice all but guarantees that this pesticide will wind up in our food,i and the animal byproducts that are used in vaccines.ii It

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EXCLUSIVE: The Women Fighting For Our Liberty

Meet our new podcast where we celebrate freedom and individuals making a difference. Audio versions will be available soon. At a time when all of our American liberties seem to be at risk, it is only right to shine a light on people who fearlessly protect our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Melissa Sullivan is

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Real God, Fake Churches: Jacques Ellul is Laughing in Heaven

The great church cave-in…was It is tempting to see the church lockdown as some new thing challenging the unchallengable…the sovereignty of God.  Actually it is just a smoking gun enabling even the dullest of observers to note how in the overwhelming number of cases, churches have conceded practical sovereignty to something other than the One

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Far-Left Elites Tricking Blacks Into War on America, Black Activist Warns

Black activist Chaziel Sunz revealed in an explosive video that black Americans are being deceived by “demonic” forces on the far-left into joining an upcoming, actual war against Americans on U.S. soil. The ex-militant also pointed out that Black Lives Matter is not even controlled by black people but is instead a front for powerful

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Large Companies Fuel the Burning of America

Legitimate grievances have turned into a corporate-funded takeover. On May 25th, 2020 a boiling point was hit in America. George Floyd died, unarmed, when police detained him by violently kneeling on his throat. With over 40 million Americans unemployed, jobs disappearing, and police enforcing unconstitutional laws across America, the conditions were perfect to set off

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Maoist Thugs Target Christians, With Support from Justice Roberts

With all that’s happening in the United States and the world, you may have missed the ruling from our “conservative” Supreme Court on May 29. The “conservative” Supreme Court Chief Justice, John Roberts, joined the four liberals in ruling that churches are not entitled to First Amendment protections and that they have to obey the dictates of liberal governors.  Two days

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On Education & Search For Truth With Israel Wayne

In a recent interview for the Family Renewal podcast, homeschool leader and author Israel Wayne and Liberty Sentinel chief Alex Newman discuss journalism, education, and the broader search for truth. During the interview, Alex shares some personal information, such as how he got involved in journalism (much less interesting than you might think) and his

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