“Murder” of JFK, Sen. McCarthy & Forrestal – Betrayal at Bethesda

In this interview with Liberty Sentinel’s Alex Newman, author J.C. Hawkins discusses his book about the alleged murder of John F. Kennedy, Senator Joseph McCarthy, and Secretary of War James Forrestal. All three men were fiercely opposed to the communist conspiracy, and were on the front lines fighting it in America. And all three men […]

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Exposing CPS Abuses & Child Kidnapping

KALISPELL, Mont. — Child Protective Services is out of control, especially in Montana, according to radio host James White with Northwest Liberty News. In this interview with Liberty Sentinel’s Alex Newman, Jim explains what is going on with CPS and what he describes as the large-scale kidnapping of children by government. Native American children are

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Communist China’s New World Order – Behind the Deep State

Globalists and Communists working together for a New World Order? Really? Yes. In this episode of Behind the Deep State, host Alex Newman explains that Deep State subversives in the West have played a key role in the rise of Communist China. Even worse, the mass-murdering regime in enslaving the Chinese people is going to

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New World Order, China-Style – Behind The Deep State

In this episode of Behind The Deep State, host Alex Newman exposes the key role that the mass-murdering dictatorship of Communist China will play in the emerging “New World Order.” This situation is not a result of Communist cunning, or even chance. In fact, it is a calculated and strategic plot engineered by the diabolical

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God Working in America – Liberty Bell and Independence Hall

PHILADELPHIA — A trip to visit the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall went from being incredibly depressing, to just plain incredible. First, we saw a “George Washington” exhibit outside the Liberty Bell display. And just as you’d expect from the insane federal government, it was ALL about slavery and the alleged evils of America’s Founders.

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Bohemian Grove: Occultists in Charge – Behind the Deep State

In this episode of Behind The Deep State, host Alex Newman exposes the occult Bohemian Grove. He also highlights some of their bizarre, dark “rituals.” For instance, you will see some footage from the Bohemian Grove’s “Cremation of Care” ceremony taken by Alex Jones. And Newman talks about some of the hugely influential men involved

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Wikipedia Co-Founder: Boycott Social Media

Citing gross abuses of people’s data and other wrongs, Wikipedia co-founder Larry Sanger is calling for the re-emergence of a decentralized Internet. As part of that push, Sanger is urging people to join with him on a “Declaration of Digital Independence.” And he is urging people everywhere to join a boycott of social media on

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Exposing Crimes of the Education Establishment on CT TV

In this episode of the Marty Heiser show, educator and author Alex Newman of the Liberty Sentinel exposes the crimes perpetrated against children by the education establishment. Newman co-wrote the book Crimes of the Educators and is currently on a national speaking tour promoting “Rescuing our Children — And Our Nation.” The goal is to

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Truth About the Illuminati – Behind The Deep State

In this episode of Behind The Deep State, host Alex Newman gives you the true history of the Illuminati. Founded in 1776 by Adam Weishaupt, the secret society worked to infiltrate and hijack Freemasonry. The diabolical agenda was to overthrow Christianity and all the governments of Europe to create a “utopia” based on principles very

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National Tour: Rescuing Our Children & Saving Our Nation

In this interview with the David Knight Show on Infowars, Alex Newman talks about his speaking tour across America about “Rescuing Our Children — And Our Nation!” Get the most up-to-date list of cities and dates here (several states still missing from official list). If you can’t make it to an event, you can always

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Deep State Trilaterals Seeking NWO – Behind The Deep State

To truly understand the Deep State that seeks to call the shots behind the scenes, it is crucial to understand the organizations and individuals involved. In this episode of Behind The Deep State, host Alex Newman exposes the Trilateral Commission–one of the key groups in the “Deep State Behind the Deep State.” The Trilateral Commission,

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Georgia Guidestones: Globalist “Sustainability” Insanity

The Georgia Guidestones are basically a sugar-coated road-map to global mass murder and tyranny. Get rid of 6.5 billion people? Check. World government and world courts? Check. “Guide reproduction” like a National Socialist Nazi? Check. Eliminate God and worship the idol of “reason”? Check. The globalist ideology behind this abomination is currently making swift progress.

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EU Terrorizes Swiss Into Restricting Gun Rights

By threatening the Swiss with massive consequences, the European Union superstate succeeded in terrorizing Switzerland into adding draconian new restrictions on the right to keep and bear arms. That is despite the fact that the Swiss have repeatedly rejected membership in the sovereignty-crushing EU Leviathan, which surrounds the Alpine nation on all sides. Switzerland has

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Larry McDonald Hwy Honors American Hero

One of America’s greatest 20th century heroes, Congressman Larry McDonald (D-Ga.), has a highway named after him outside of Atlanta, Georgia. And I was fortunate enough not only to drive on it several times, but to drive on it with people who knew McDonald and worked with him and for him. The picture above was

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Deep State’s Social Media Giants Panic – Behind the Deep State

The deep state is in full panic mode about the truth that is coming out via social media. And so, the Big Tech giants — Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google, Instagram, and more — have escalated their censorship campaigns to a whole new level. In this episode of Behind the Deep State, host Alex Newman explains

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EXCLUSIVE: Charlotte Iserbyt On Life, Education & Homeschooling

Charlotte Iserbyt is an American hero. As former Senior Policy Advisor at the U.S. Department of Education under President Reagan, she put her career and reputation on the line when she blew the whistle on one of the greatest evils ever perpetrated against the American people. Her heroic efforts to expose and oppose the dangerous

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Subverting Christendom: Political Islam and the Trans Agenda

VANCOUVER, CANADA — Award-winning international journalist, educator, author and consultant, Alex Newman talks about the New World Order, the indoctrination of children and the agenda of chaos. Tanya Gaw, Co-Founder of Action 4 Canada also joins us to talk about the crisis in Canada for our children. This program aired nationally on the show “Laura-Lynn

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Deep State Smear Machine SPLC Imploding – Behind the Deep State

In this episode of Behind The Deep State, host Alex Newman exposes the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). The anti-Christian hate group, which serves as the Deep State’s attack dog against conservatives, is facing huge lawsuits and mega-scandals like never before. Now, government agencies and even Big Tech companies are distancing themselves, as whistleblowers expose

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Rescuing Our Children – And Our Nation: Alex Newman National Tour

There is a reason Deep State globalists sound so confident about the success of their agenda. They have a secret weapon: More than 85 percent of American children are being indoctrinated by radicalized government schools today. In this explosive talk, which will be delivered all across America this summer, Alex Newman exposes the insanity that

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What Is QAnon aka Q? Should We Trust The Plan? Q&A With Dustin Nemos

Everybody is talking about QAnon or “Q” lately–including Trump, Q followers say–but seems to be quite sure who or what “Q” actually is. Is Q the most elaborate and insane psyop in history? Or is it for real? Is America truly in the process of being rescued from satanic pedophiles in high places? To find

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The Zombie Epocalypse: River of Denial Floods Markets

The highest summit of irrational exuberance ever, which is not even seen by those engaging in it, establishes the perfect peak for the greatest global economic collapse ever. Some days the level of denial in the stock market twists my head into a knot — not because I am surprised at lemmings jumping over a cliff

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Snopes Defends Teaching Child Rape to Children

The fake “fact checking” website Snopes has once again attempted to deceive readers, this time lying about a growing scandal in California involving the teaching of pedophilia and pederasty as a “sexual orientation.” But considering the fact that Snopes was founded by sex perverts and con artists, it’s not surprising to see the website try

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Pilgrim’s Progress Director Speaks on Hollywood and Christian Films

Because it was so amazing, The Liberty Sentinel reviewed The Pilgrim’s Progress movie last week after it premiered in theaters nationwide. It was so good that we had to find out more. And so, we interviewed writer/director Robert Fernandez about why he did it, his future plans, what went into this fantastic movie, his thoughts

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What is Q / QAnon? Is It Legit? Dustin Nemos Answers

QAnon, sometimes called Q for short, is being talked about all over the place. “Trust the plan,” supporters are told. The media says it’s a ridiculous “conspiracy theory.” Some observers say it’s an incredibly elaborate hoax or even a massive psyop. Q followers — tippy top types — insist it is an individual or group

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The Sun Also Warms: Dr. Willie Soon Exposes Sun-Climate Connection

Renowned astrophysicist and climate scientist Dr. Willie Soon once again blows open the climate hoax, with his fantastic sense of humor. You won’t want to miss this one! This presentation, titled “The Sun Also Warms,” was delivered at the Friends of Science 16th Annual Major Event on April 10, 2019 at the Red & White

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Whistleblower Exposes UN Crimes in US Congress

Pulling back the curtain, former United Nations investigator Peter Gallo exposed a variety of UN crimes during a hearing in the U.S. House of Representatives. From grotesque abuses and child rape by UN troops in “peace” missions across Africa, to the relentless attacks against the courageous whistleblowers who expose these crimes, the UN has become

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Deep State Using Regional Governments to Build New World Order – Ep. 3 (VIDEO)

As part of the plot for a “New World Order,” the Deep State is merging formerly independent nations and peoples into freakish regional governments such as the European Union, the African Union, the Union of South American States, Putin’s Eurasian Union, and so on. In Episode 3 of Behind the Deep State , host Alex

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Why do we Love? vs. Why Should we Love?

The answer is determined by our initial question When our conversations comes around to love, sometimes it’s “Why do we?” and sometimes it’s “Why should we?” In the course of ordinary life, and in the distorted mirror of the tabloid press, the first question wins the popularity prize hands down. “Why did she run away

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After Coup Attempt, Trump Takes on Deep State “Treason” – Ep. 2 (VIDEO)

Now that the Deep State-manufactured conspiracy theory about President Donald Trump’s “collusion” with Russia has been exposed as a giant fraud, things are about to start getting interesting. Indeed, Trump has repeatedly used the words “treason” and “treasonous” to refer to the actions of these Deep State swamp creatures. He also said they had perpetrated

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