On Education & Search For Truth With Israel Wayne

In a recent interview for the Family Renewal podcast, homeschool leader and author Israel Wayne and Liberty Sentinel chief Alex Newman discuss journalism, education, and the broader search for truth. During the interview, Alex shares some personal information, such as how he got involved in journalism (much less interesting than you might think) and his […]

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2020: The Year of Narrative Warfare

Opinion As more people “wake up” less free, the narrative quickly shifts to distract all Americans from working together. JAN 3, 2000- WWIII IN IRAN 2020 has become the year of dangerous, shifting narratives that threaten liberty worldwide. It started with an armed, unmanned drone launching a missile that killed Iran’s top general Quassim Suleimani

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How to Get Around Big Tech Censorship

The time has come for technocracy to wrap its shiny tentacles around the human race. The long incubation period in buddy masks has slipped to reveal the pǝʇɹǝʌuᴉ, distorted, authoritarian face of a monster for the ages. Unfortunately, the tech wasn’t *quite* ready, so the canoe got flipped. A few missteps later & the push

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Communist China Basically Runs The UN

The mass-murdering regime ruling Communist China practically runs the United Nations today, according to an extensive investigation of the issue and official documents. In a ground-breaking report appearing in The Epoch Times, Liberty Sentinel chief Alex Newman shows that about one in three specialized UN agencies are controlled by Beijing’s agents. Most of the rest

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New Ad DESTROYS RINO Sen. Graham

A new political advertisement by popular U.S. Senate candidate Michael LaPierre exposes globalist RINO U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina for who he really is. In particular, the ad exposes Graham’s disgusting boot-licking of billionaire population-control fanatic Bill Gates, who now wants to forcibly vaccinate everybody on the planet with his experimental vaccines. Right

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Learn to Homeschool With Pastor Broggi

Parents and pastors across America are invited to join a FREE seminar on “how to homeschool” with Pastor Carl Broggi. The prominent South Carolina pastor is one of the top Christian leaders in America urging God’s people to rescue their children from public schools. The event will be live at Community Bible Church in Beaufort,

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The Economic “Reopening” Is A Fake Out

How does one define an economic “reopening”? I think most people would say that a reopening means that everything goes back to the way it was before the crisis; or at least as close as possible.  Most people would also say that a reopening is something that will last.  Simply declaring “America has reopened” while keeping

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Deep State & UN Role in End Times Exposed

In this talk for The 2020 Panel, international journalist and Liberty Sentinel chief Alex Newman discusses the role of the United Nations and the Deep State behind it in the biblical End Times. This talk is for anyone wondering how Bible prophecy (Revelation, Daniel, etc) intersects with current events and the New World Order agenda.

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One Good Thing about the Lockdown: Home Education

One of the few good things to come out of the government-mandated shutdown is that many parents have started homeschooling their children. Many of these parents are likely to continue homeschooling after the government schools reopen. Last week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) did its part to encourage homeschooling when it unveiled

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Will Americans Be Able to Save Themselves?

For the past two years I have been knocking on doors helping liberty-minded candidates get elected to state house seats and other various positions. From the start this has been an exciting and fulfilling adventure. What better job could I have asked for than to use my passions and talents to reach out to people

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Kissinger’s “Red China Gambit” Is Killing America

Journalist Mike Allen’s father, Gary Allen, wrote the great book, Kissinger: The Secret Side of the Secretary of State, describing how Henry Kissinger’s “Red China Gambit”  included the abandonment of the free people of the Republic of China on Taiwan. Kissinger’s power play was based on the false hope that China had abandoned communism.   Gary Allen described the Red Chinese as “unquestionably the

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Americans may soon be facing hunger

There is a real risk of global famine in the months ahead. And this time, it may hit Americans, too.  Already, the United Nations and other organizations are warning of potentially catastrophic famines by the end of the year. The UN World Food Program, for instance, argued that the coronavirus lock-down could push almost 150

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WHO Caught LYING About Vaccines

In a “training module” for healthcare workers dealing with “vaccine hesitancy,” the disgraced World Health Organization is urging medical professionals to blatantly lie to parents and patients. The United Nations WHO training program, first released in 2017 in response to the alleged “threat” to global health posed by vaccine skepticism, features multiple obvious lies. Last

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DNC Under Siege: Biden’s Loss Could Be Bernie’s Comeback

WASHINGTON, D.C.–The sound of paper shredders on loan from the Smithsonian’s Clinton exhibit—and spaced at least 6 feet apart of course—may be heard on the deserted streets of the nation’s capital coming from The Hart Senate Office Building, the National Archives, and the University of Delaware. Biden campaign headquarters and the DNC, meanwhile, are under

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“Atheism Makes Good Slaves”

An Hour With Evangelical Kent Hovind It becomes more clear by the day. The people “in charge” are becoming less competent, if that is possible, and they are creating a new future for America. That future does not seem to involve God, property ownership, or natural rights. It is a Brave New World where everyone

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Plandemic: The Documentary YouTube Doesn’t Want You To See

The Big Tech bosses at YouTube and Google are doing everything in their power to shut down a documentary featuring expert virologist Dr. Judy Mikovits exposing the coronavirus “plandemic.” Among other revelations, Dr. Mikovits exposes Dr. Anthony Fauci and the fact that the coronavirus was created in a laboratory. She also blows the whistle on

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FBI Director Wray’s Dirty Secret?—Part 8 of CMU Series

What Trump and the Senate Didn’t Know Before Wray Got the Job… FBI Director Christopher A. Wray and his colleagues framed Robert Ethan Miller in the 1990s and he’s been in federal prison ever since, according to three witnesses who confess to following Wray’s instruction to lie under oath during Miller’s trial. Miller (not to

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Mainstream Media DECLARES “New Normal” During Pandemic

Do you accept the terms and conditions to live in this New World? Everything about COVID-19 seems like a bad dream, but it is now a harsh reality for most Americans. Advised by the globalist, China-funded WHO, the American government declared war on an “invisible enemy” in January. This has cost millions of Americans their

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NIH Boss At Center of CCP Virus Scandal

Most of the media were too busy covering the phony Russia-gate story to notice how China has been directly involved in controversial coronavirus research funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH).  Since the media ignored the threat, they are now charging President Trump with ignoring the threat and peddling “conspiracy theories” about it. This is how the fake news media deceive the American people on a matter of life and death.   Evidence shows

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Despite Bailout, Pension Tsunami Threatens to Crush US

American taxpayers are going to be completely destroyed by government-employee pension plans if drastic reforms do not happen–and soon. The tax-funded pension plans of government employees are a ticking nuclear time bomb that threatens to blow the American taxpayer to bits, along with the economy. It may already be too late to stop it. And

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Politics of Coronavirus & Conspiracy

Like so many in our nation, I’m sick because of this stay-in-place order meant to protect us. For over six weeks all news has been focused around COVID-19 and nothing else. Yes, it is reported to be a deadly virus, but this is not the first deadly virus we’ve had in our nation.   Not wanting to be

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Americans Revolt Against Outlaw Socialist Governors

In contrast to phony George Soros-financed “protests” for “progressive” policies, real grassroots movements have been emerging in America targeting tyrannical governors and demanding the return of our God-given rights of freedom of assembly and speech. What is happening is reminiscent of the Tea Party protests that emerged under President Barack Hussein Obama and made his socialized medicine policies into a teaching moment for

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Canadian Professor Makes Ultimate Sacrifice to Fight Marxism

Dr. Ricardo Duchesne should be teaching the next generation of Canadian students historical sociology, but instead, he was convicted of “wrongthink” by Canadian state-run media, spineless professors, and culture warriors who look to destroy all debate. Their narrative must be the only narrative, and anyone who does not conform must be destroyed, according to charlatans.

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Navy Secretary Is Gone But His Problems Live On

It’s Time to Restore Captain Crozier’s Command Methinks that former–Acting-Navy-Secretary Thomas Modly protested too much. Embattled, and facing a presidential inquiry, Secretary Modly (pictured above-left) tendered his resignation and it was accepted last Tuesday afternoon. The new acting secretary of the Navy is former Rear Admiral James McPherson. Tellingly though, Secretary McPherson transitions to the

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Listen to Henry Kissinger: Globalists Have Big Plans for COVID19 Crisis

Henry “Kiss the Ring” Kissinger has weighed in on the global impact of COVID-19. And the granddaddy of one-world insiders doesn’t disappoint. He says the coronavirus will “forever alter the world order.” [See The New American.] But what does the Godfather of the NWO really talk about behind closed doors? Wouldn’t you love to be

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‘Plandemic’ Pretext Fits Future Revelation Narrative

‘he causeth all…to receive a mark’ No, the current COVID-19 pandemic does not mean that the great tribulation described in Revelation has begun. Current conditions do not project anywhere near the biblical portrayal of that apocalyptic period. Not yet, anyway. However, the global economy of rich and poor nations alike has nosedived due to the

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End the Shutdown; It’s Time for Resurrection!

For many millions of Christians, Easter is a time to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Others may celebrate the arrival of spring and the promise of new life. Whatever one’s beliefs, after several weeks of mandatory “stay at home” orders and the complete shutdown of the US economy over the coronavirus, this self-destructive hysteria

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Flesh Gordon, or why the crises are different these days

Elite Panic It seems we have entered into a new age. I doubt that the present “health crisis” should be taken as its onset, but rather as the symptom of something which has been building up for a long time. Furthermore the “something” which I refer to isn’t a biological threat in our environment, as

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A Brief Consideration of Romans 13

Noah Webster had much to say about the role of government and the responsibility of citizens to administer such government. In addition to the quote above Webster also stated: –“If the citizens neglect their duty and place unprincipled men in office, the government will soon be corrupted; laws will be made not for the public

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